HubSpot Ideas


Enable views editing by other users or teams

Hello community 👋 and product team ✌️



Today it is possible to create and pin your own custom views within contacts, companies, deals, tickets and more (lets use the word objects from now on). A HubSpot user may edit columns, filters and save these according to their own preferences. 


A view 👀 can either be standard, created by me, or created by others (see picture and ignore Swedish content). Once a view has been created by me no one else can edit this view and save it for all users 👥 - instead they have to clone their own version of the view in order to change it. 







We are growing our company fast  and we want to be able to scale our staff up and down without it affecting the infrastructure of what we have created. If one staff member decides to quit and move on to a new company - and that staff member being a core creator of the views that all other HubSpot users in our portal uses - we could be in big problem.


Why? All these views created by others can be pinned to my default view. I will have a standard set of up to 5 views in my portal that I will use in my day to day management. If the staff member that created that view quits users could be stuck 🔒 with old standard views in their pin bar without knowing. 




Idea for solution (proposal for the product team) 🤗

There are several ways to solve this issue. Some better than others. I would really love them all to be delivered 👍 but as we all know thats not always possible. 


A) Make it possible to pass ownership of a view

Make it possible for a view owner to pass the ownership (and there by the uniqe rights to edit the view) to an other HubSpot user of the same portal. 


B) Make it possible to collaborate in creating standardized views

Make a setting so that a view can be collaborated on by all HubSpot users. Once a change is made by once user it will affect all others. Perhaps a small information box upon saving the view informing the user that it will affect all other accounts. 


C) Make it possible to set up ownership of a view to a team

Make a setting so that a view can be collaborated on by a specific team of HubSpot users. Once a change is made by once user in that team it will affect all other users (in the team or not). Also here recommended to have a small information box upon saving the view informing the user that it will affect all other accounts. 

HubSpot Updates
In Planning
September 13, 2024 02:19 PM

Hey all, 


Thanks for all of the helpful feedback here everyone. I'm sorry that dealing with view permissions has been so painful for you all. Wanted to let you know though that this work is in planning. 


In the meantime, we have just released to Public Beta the ability for Admins to edit the filters, columns and sorts for ALL views, not just the ones they 'own'. We hope that this will help with both View and Property management, so that you can easily make changes with out having to track down view owners all the time 👎. I know there's more capability that you need for view permissions, but I wanted to chime in that we are working on this! We will keep you updated as the project progresses. 


Please keep the feedback coming though, its super helpful in getting updates like this over the finish line. 





Thank you!


52 Replies
HubSpot Moderator

+1 again from another customer who wants to also be able to change the owner on a view.

An alternative solution is for a user to clone the view, so they become owner of the cloned one and then delete the one that's not needed.

Member | Elite Partner

Really need this functionality. As an implementation agency, we help set up a plethora of views to help our customers segment their databases. Having to instruct them how to clone our views and delete the originals is time-consuming and time-wasting!

Member | Platinum Partner

Agree to many of the earlier comments. As an implementation partner, I see this as a shortcoming that deserves a bugfix rather than improvement idea


This is a huge pain point especially when one person is responsible for maintaining the view while another is the one using it. Both need to be able to edit as needed.


Please please please


Yes! ++++1


Please Please, we can't use the clones because its a new link, need to move the ownership when an agent is quiting so we can update the views without bothering all users in the company with the new links to all views 


Yes, really need this, I set up and train several users in our portal and set them up with custom role-specific views to start them off. It would be great to transfer the view memberships to the specific user so they can add/remove columns and evolve the view as needed. Cloning views just leaves a load of useless duplicate views kicking around in the portal. 


As admin I also need to clear down old properties - if these properties are used as a column in another user's view I can't edit their view to remove the stray column.


Why is this not an option!? This is a HUGE need. As a partner we need to be able to set up views for people and allow them to edit them later. They shouldn't have to duplicate all the views I already created just to make edits. This creates a huge mess of views. 


Dear Hubspot team,
Please implement this. It is really needed and will reduce the amount of views, etc.

HubSpot Product Team

Hey all, 


Thanks for all of the helpful feedback here everyone. I'm sorry that dealing with view permissions has been so painful for you all. Wanted to let you know though that this work is in planning. 


In the meantime, we have just released to Public Beta the ability for Admins to edit the filters, columns and sorts for ALL views, not just the ones they 'own'. We hope that this will help with both View and Property management, so that you can easily make changes with out having to track down view owners all the time 👎. I know there's more capability that you need for view permissions, but I wanted to chime in that we are working on this! We will keep you updated as the project progresses. 


Please keep the feedback coming though, its super helpful in getting updates like this over the finish line. 





Thank you!



All the ideas for solutions are great and necessary for us, too! We are implementing HSP across our company in different teams. One person does the onboarding process for the other teams and sets up the views, afterwards the other teams work with the views and customize them wherever needed.