Being able to assign snippets to certain users would be greatly beneficial.
We have specific snippets for our Sales, Contracts, HR and Marketing teams. Within those teams certain individuals only need 2-3 of the available snippets.
My company would majorly benefit by being able to organize snippets based on team. Not being able to do this has created a risk for sharing snippets that are designed for our clinical team to communicate with medical professionals. If one of these snippets is accidentally shared with a consumer by another team we can run into some serious liabilty issues. Please add this feature!
Really good idea - when you've got people working in multiple languages across multiple territories snippets can quickly get quite confusing! Being able to restrict access of these as you can with templates would make things a lot cleaner for many users.
Lots of customers and hubspot partners looking for this. Would love this for our small team. Not sure how bigger teams are able to manage without this.
Upvoting for this feature. It's a must when you have 2 different teams with similar products but different regions and links. Wonder why you won't have this feature just similar to templates.
Please have this implemented! Different teams have different needs for snippets, the current method forces them to shift through a lot of irrelevant snippets.
we have several team members with who knows how many snippets each, without being able to restrict access etc.... its literally quicker to type manually making snippets pointless
Having permission-based snippets is essential when you have three departments all working within the same system. Our support team does not need to see the sales snippets and the sales team does not need to see the marketing snippets. Too many cooks in the kitchen and even with the simple shortcut method to use the snippet, a lot of options appear. This request was submitted in 2020 and people have upvoted and commented every single year for 4 years. @KyleJepson Is there any update internally regarding this?
Hi, we really need this. The Sales team are struggling to find the snippets they need becasue there are loads of help desk snippets cluttering what they can see. Equally, the Help Desk team does not need to see the sales snippets
Have to agree with the comments here, snippets are almost impossible to manage with every team contributing across the business. It would be beneficial and improve UX if they could be permissions based. At the moment there appears to be lots of scrolling or remember of key words.
As a new admin, I have been banging my head trying to figure out how to organize our Snippets, only to be frustrated with my inability to do so. With 100+ users, our Snippets are a mess and difficult to find or even know what may be available. It's the Wild West when trying to add a snippet. Permissions, private, organized, folder selection, etc. are all needed to effectively utilize snippets as intended. Shocked and disappointed to find out none of these features existed...Help!