HubSpot Ideas


Enable snippets to be made private or shared with team



Currently snippets are visible to everyone who accesses HubSpot. 

We need an ability to mark them private or only share with the team. 



Arun Iyer

38 Replies

I would like to control the "sharing" properties in snippets the way I can with documents and templates. Reason for this is twofold:

1. Some snippets aren't intended for companywide viewing (corporate, service, etc)

2. Given that free users are limited to 5 snippets, its a good way to not have those 5 available slots not clogged up with snippets that they have no use for

HubSpot Employee

I have had several customers mention they would like this feature.


Enable the same options as Templates to change Snippets to be private or shared with specific users/groups.

HubSpot Employee

I have several customers who need to restrict snippets. Customers would like to have the same settings they do in the object access:




This feature would help ensure that important company-wide snippets aren't "accidentally" deleted or modified.  The same settings that are available in object access would be great!  An audit trail on snippets would be helpful as well. 


It would be great to be able to choose who can view certain snippets, the same way we can choose this for templates.


We would also like to be able to segment snippets this way. We have multiple departments that need to only have visibility to their assets.


Having team level view permissons for snippets would be great. As a marketplace it creates clutter when one of our teams is trying to search for a snippet and they have to sift through another team's snippets. 

HubSpot Employee

Submitting on behalf of customer 


It would be great if snippets can have specific publishing access too - restrict certain users from the creation of snippets.

HubSpot Employee

Agree here!!! Submitting on behalf of customer as well, but often use snippets myself and would be great to be able to have streamlined access to my personal snippets.

Contributor | Platinum Partner

I am looking for something very similar for a client at the moment. They are in the automotive industry, and each sales rep would like to use snippets in their way.


Plus, having all of the snippets show up just looks untidy.


I'd love for the next updates to take care of this.


@KyleJepson what are your thoughts?

Contributor | Diamond Partner

This feature is definetely needed! Especially with the Quote tool, global teams currently see ALL language versions of the same snippets. This is unbearable for a sales rep since they need to know the name or # when wanting to find the correct snippet. 


Hope this becomes available soon!


This feature is really needed! Not everyone needs access to all snippetts. And you don't want people deleting some etc...


This feature should be fairly easy to program in. Please update this to allow users to rescrict access to team only.


Our company uses Hubspot in sales, marketing, success, etc. I am adding our team's snippets in a folder, but when the team members need to look for new snippets, they see the list of them from all the teams. Super confusing and time consuming. Our success and support teams are going to grow a lot and i don't think sales will be happy to see 100+ snippets coming up... Can we set it up that the snippets visible are only from the specific folder? 

i would be useful to be able to limit the snippets that a team can or cannot see (make them private for a specific team) - as for now once a snippet has been added to our portal, all users from all teams are able to see it...


I want to use email snippets for the sales team and live chat for customer service. The audience and messaging are completely different. Short form for chat and more detailed messaging for email. There should be a way to partition these snippets out?

HubSpot Employee

@Lyndon I definitely see the value! I've given it an upvote. I'll see if I can find out anything internally.

Contributor | Platinum Partner

As a follow-up to this and a confirmation of what @lgil  mentioned, the new approach to Note Activity Permissions currently in Public Beta can be adopted for Snippets.


@KyleJepson, I just came across this in the product updates. HubSpot already created the solution; it just needs to be applied to other areas.


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HubSpot Employee

Hi team!

Worked with a customer today who also requested for Snippets permissions. This would be really helpful, hope that it's on the team's radar! 


Having permissions would be a HUGE value add for snippets. It is almost impossible to use snippets when everyone has their own personalized way of conveying things but all snippets are shared between all users. This causes the snippits tool in Outlook to become unmanageable.