HubSpot Ideas


Enable Snippets in the Mobile App

I have received Feedback from our team has been that using the mobile app to log contact activity is not as effective as the desktop version as they do not have hte ability to add snippets (which we are currently using as form data seeing its not available)


Any chance we can get the ability to add snippets to the mobile app for activity log, notes etc?

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Delivered
May 11, 2020 07:51 AM

Hi all, thanks for taking the time to upvote this idea. In version 2.49.0 and above on Android, you can now insert snippets when creating notes, logged calls/emails/meetings, and comments. The snippets will even automatically fill in the values of personalisation tags if that data exists.


Snippets are not available in Conversations on mobile, nor in the Tracked Email composer. If you'd like to upvote this idea for iOS, please go here.



Product Manager

HubSpot Mobile

21 Comentarios

Absolutely needed for the App (and iOS), too. Would make it a lot more user friendy!