"Anyone who has signed up will be in the first release group, if you have not asked support for this please reach out and they can add you to the beta list."
By this, do you mean anyone who replied in this thread, or do you have to take a specific action to be added to the beta list?
While I realize the complexity of it, this is incredibly necessary tool! How can we not A/B automated emails? I am developing so many automated marketing plans, but can't believe I can't test effectiveness to make adjustments. 😞
What is the status of the update that will allow this?
To share my use case when this is live: we have a sales video for new prospects at the top of our funnel. We promise them a bonus when they watch the video, and this bonus reaches them via an email workflow. It's very important to me that the open and click through rates on this first email are as high as possible. It translates into more sales while the lead is hot, and the higher open rates on this first email with them will benefit our ISP rating.
In addition this warm lead workflow continues to nurture the lead until they convert (schedule a free evaluation with us), so I want to be able to optimize each email for opens and ctr. This ultimately will be a huge factor in my cost per client.
Has there been an update on this? It's been 9 months since the last comment and I'm running into a few instances where I want to A/B test subject lines for automated emails.
We are in final testing here. expecting to release to beta group in late Nov. If you want to get siogned up for Beta please reach out to your CSM and they can add you to list.
I commented with updates but they seem to be lost in thread. Sorry about confusion.
Hi All! Again thank you for your patience on this feature. Again we are almost there with some final checks and tests. We hope to have this released to Beta next week. I will update this post when it is live. Please do reach out to your CSM if you want to be part of the Beta - By this I mean send an email to support and they can add you to the Beta list.
We are really excited to get this out after months of hard work by the team here.
@Shane_Janssens Since its now passed the end of November, can we get an esitmated date? We have so many processes waiting on this ability. I am super embarrased because I keep promising my VP that the functionality is coming.
Thank you for your and your teams hard work on this, I know its super tricky!
Is there already any news? We've got everything prepared and ready for this feature.. We planned everything thowards the first week of december, as mentioned above. (and yet it isn't there, unfortunatly )
As an addition to the above, kindly ask you to consider A/B testing for the "Abandoned Cart" workflow. In this case, we don't have time to consolidate customers and split them for testing 2 templates. It should work automatically.
I understand that this is complex, the thing that I'm confused about is the lack of communication. Since June they have been saying it's almost done and in testing, and then last month they said for sure by the end of November, now its mid December and no status update.
Thank you for your pateince here. I am ecstatic to be updating this post to "In Beta" today. We rolled this feature out to a list of Beta users from this morning. If you want to be added to it please reach out to support and they can request it through the proper channels.
We know this has been a very popular request and the team have been working so hard to deliver this as fast as possible. We hope to be rolling it out to a wider audience in coming weeks.
The ability to A/B test to automated emails is now in public beta. This enables you to try new tactics and optimize your email sending. To A/B test an email, open the email editor and click "run a test" in the top left.
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