We've heard from our customers that sequences reporting does not give a full picture of email performance, and customers must try to stitch this data together by viewing template and sequence reporting independently within HubSpot.
To solve this, we're building open and click reporting directly into Sequences.
If you're interested in getting early access to open and click reporting, upvote this post and we'll reach out to you to let you know as soon as it's available.
Weitere Ideen mit folgender Beschriftung anzeigen:
This is a huge drawback for using sequences in Hubspot - as it doesn't allow us to finetune our mailings. I would strongly support this development!!! and as mentioned before: all the data exists so no clue why this can not be easily implemented
I had a call with the product team and they are working on a solution - or at least they showed me a wireframe. So hopefully it won't take to long for them to push it live
They have added the feature to be able to see analytics of sequences/templates for sales now. To see it you have to click reports -> analytics tools -> Sales Content Analytics
What would be even better is to see open / click-through rates for individual sequences instead of for consolidated templates only. This doesn't allow to get any insights on whether date / time of day has an influence on open and reply rates!!
Yes please. It's nearly impossible to evaluate performance of sequences without being able to see open and click rates. PS. if you decide to add open and click rates, please do not remove reply rates.
I agree it is crucial to be able to open rates as a whole for sequences in order to analyze their performance. Otherwise, you have no idea how well your subject line is doing.
Hi @appvirality@erinmck - thanks for your feedback. We're actively working on open and click reporting in sequences. Check it out here and upvote if you'd like to be notified when it's ready:
Hey @dan_sitton! We're actively working on open and click reporting in sequences. Check it out here and upvote if you'd like to be notified when it's ready:
@samanthacrist@oliverknowles@katrinacr - We're actively working on open and click reporting in sequences. Check it out here and upvote if you'd like to be notified when it's ready:
@louisedizazzo We're actively working on open and click reporting in sequences. Check it out here and upvote if you'd like to be notified when it's ready:
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