Plain and simple, email needs an "undo" option. Sometimes we delete something and realize it would be better to keep it. Or we highllight it to move it but delete rather than cut... you get the idea.
I just accidentley deleted a paragraph as I create an email in contatcts to send in hubspot. I'm not sure there is a undo feature for this? Please can you cretae one?
"Undo" should also apply to send, like in Gmail -- you hit send, realize that you forgot to include something important, and have 30 seconds or so to pull the email back and fix it.
there is no “Undo sending” button in HS like the one available in Gmail. This feature allows users to retract a sent email in case they forgot to include something important. We would appreciate having a similar option in HS for our correspondence.
You have introduced a new undo/redo feature to the drag and drop email, and that is ok , and I use it.
But the original post is Email needs an UNDO button.
Also super important:
is there an autosave for writing emails and a save button while working on a draft email ?
The contacts I send to and attachments remain in the emails I prepare before forwarding, but the text I write keeps disappearing if I look up another email and come back to the email I was writing. I have to open multiple hubspot windows to not loose the text part I was writing when forwarding.
Or having a save button while working on an email like in Outlook would be great. Please help, because that is crucial.
We multitask and have at times more than 10 hubspot windows duplicated in windows to continue working on many email sales drafts at one time, because this function of "save draft" and "autosave" is none existant according to a response from the Hubspot Team.
I am sure many people in sales writing up emails have a problem with loosing there text part when writing an email to respond to an assigned email in the inbox of Hibspot.
Right!?!? How about when you are making a template and accidentally backspace and loose all your personalizations 😖 Or an entire paragraph! Insert [Homer Simpson sound bite here] UPVOTE NOW! #oppsIdidItAgain #undoit!