HubSpot Ideas


Email integration for Microsoft Exchange

HI Can i integrate or link hubspot to Outlook which is held on my MS exchange server. My laptops can link to it and synchronise from anywhere so how would i link hubspot ?

Thanks  Mike

Atualizações da HubSpot
Status atualizado para: Delivered
April 18, 2022 08:31 AM

Hello all! I'm very excited to announce that as of today the Microsoft Exchange integration for email (and Meetings!) is now available for all portals. This also includes the ability to configure a static IP range that can be added to an allowlist by IT admins, if needed. Please check out our Knowledgebase docs and happy HubSpotting 😀

Status atualizado para: In Beta
March 15, 2022 10:10 AM

Hi Community!


Cross-posting here from the Ideas Forum post titled Use Meetings with Outlook Exchange.


We are excited to announce that we are opening beta access for Exchange users to take advantage of the Meetings tool. This connection will provide you and your team with the ability to connect your calendar to Meetings to create Meetings scheduling pages for asyncronous bookings.


All customers that already have access to the Email integration for Microsoft Exchange beta have been granted access to our Meetings + Exchange beta. You will be able to connect from the Meetings app, or from Preferences > General > Calendar.


Note: Exchange support for Meetings only includes scheduling functionality within the Meetings tool and related 'scheduling pages'. The calendar sync is not supported in this integration.

  • Events created in an Exchange calendar will not sync to HubSpot
  • Meeting events created from a CRM record (such as a Contact) will not be added to a native calendar. 

Re: Inbox integration for Microsoft Exchange - changed to: In Beta
March 19, 2021 04:44 PM

Hi everyone! I've moved this post over to the Ideas section of the Community to better track and keep you up to date on the progress of this beta.


If you are unable to connect via our existing Outlook 365 or IMAP integrations and are hosted on Exchange, this beta may work for you.

To have your portal ungated, please submit this form.

I ungate new requests at least once a week.


Instructions for connecting can be found in this Knowledgebase article.


Please note: This beta is limited to personal email integrations, and thus not compatible with the Conversations tool.

494 Comentários

Hi @jennysowyrda ,


could you please add ID 20232026 

thx a lot

Gerente da Comunidade

@antonia_kraft @MJungbluth 

To have access to this beta, please see here and submit the request form!


@natsumimori what a lot of people are asking for, is calendar integration with Exchange.  Your link says it is just for email, which I am not sure why it is needed because I had that option from the start.  I only need calendar integration with Exchange.  Please confirm

Gerente da Comunidade


This thread is for Exchange inbox beta and not for calendar/meetings.

There's a separate beta for the Meetings Exchange, however, it's currently closed due to some supportability issues so no new accounts will be enrolled. If you'd like to track the status, please feel free to follow this idea post.

Participante | Parceiro

I have the Exchange Beta version on my account (HUBID:24933244) but still cannot connect to my Exchange.

I do everything that is written in the recommendations, but it still fails. We've also added a IP adresses of Hubspot to see if that helps, but no.

Anyone have a good idea to move on? My de some one are missing?

Regards// Lars

Gerente da Comunidade

Hi @LBKoch 


Thank you for reaching out. 


Can you follow the steps of this article according to the error you're having?


If this is still happening, I would recommend connecting with HubSpot Technical Support and giving them this HubID, as Support is included in your partner account and they will be able to provide real-time assistance for this matter, where you are able to share screenshots and further information about this. 


Thank you!



Participante | Parceiro

Thanks Tiphaine, I have tried everything in the article, it's the same problem.


I am addressing Tec support for further.


Lars Bo


Hi! Could I also get added to the exchange Beta?  Account 

Gerente da Comunidade

Hi @TLazaroff 


You should be all set! 🙂 





Hi Could you please ungate Exchange Beta for our Free CRM portal, ID: 20581800


Hi, Please add exchnage beta to:



It would be nice to be able to connect an Exchange account to HubSpot


Hi @TitiCuisset , 


I also would very much appreciate access to the beta or Exchange option. Hub id: 4108167


Thank you!

Gerente da Comunidade

Hi @JFranks1 


You should be all set 🙂







Can you give me access to Exchange? My ID is






Participante | Parceiro Diamante

Can you please open Exchange beta access for 2641550? Thank you.

Participante | Parceiro Ouro

Hi Tiphaine, 


I also would very much appreciate access to the beta or Exchange option. Hub id: 9136756


Thank you!

Gerente da Comunidade

Hi @InvesTechs 


Thank you for reaching out and happy new year!


You should be all set 🙂





Hi Tiphaine!

I have the same issue. Not able to connect with Office365 therefore my IT guy suggested to try with Exchange instead. doesn't show Exchange as an option. Can you please help me? thanks



My HUB ID is 8186256

If this solves my problem where I cannot connect with Office365, can you allow me to use Exchange to connect my email, please?
How do I know I am set up? Thanks