La fonction de suggestion automatique permet d'affiner rapidement votre recherche en suggérant des correspondances possibles au fur et à mesure de la frappe.
It would be great if Hubspot had the ability to track how many replies I got to my marketing newsletters. A lot of our newsletters are designed to get people to reply to them instead of having them click on something, so really the reply rate is what we want to measure over CTR.
Each newsletter is sent from a dynamically populated email address (based on the sales rep who is working with the lead), so it's pretty impossible to track this by just monitoring an inbox.
@BB1 yup totally correct there. This would be that order of operation:
1) Marketing email sent to contact
2) Contact replies to a connected inbox which was the "reply-to" address of email
3) Someone at the company (marketers, account rep, etc.) replies and logs the email. Then the text of the contacts reply will show up in the CRM
If you are using just a connected inbox and not a team inbox, then the text of the replies are not automatically logged in step 2 above, and you need step 3.
And to further clarify, in either case, the data point will be created which is what shows up in the reporting pages, lists, workflows, and on the timeline (X contact, replied to Y email).
@elise1 - If all the contact owners already have their inboxes connected to HubSpot then the data (x contact replied to y email) should populate on the email reporting pages showing reply rates & which contacts replied to what email. Additionally, the data will show up in workflows & lists to build with.
What will not show up with your current configurations is the actual content of the reply that lands in the contact owner's inbox. Aka logging the email in the CRM. To get that functionality the inbox needs to be setup as a team inbox.
@elise1 yep that should work just fine. We have a number of customers who are doing something similar. As long as those contact owners have their inboxes connected to HubSpot (personal or otherwise) we should be able to generate the data that shows up in the email reports.
If you want the email to be logged to the contact timeline though, then you will need your reps to have their inboxes set up as team inboxes. Instructions here for that.
Hi folks- this is now live to all customers, with documentation here on how it works, and how to set it up. Feel free to continue to leave feedback here on how it works, and if you run into any issues please reach out through the normal HubSpot support channels.
Hi folks - This is now in a Beta. We have been running an Alpha for some time now, and we are moving ahead in opening this up to a wider audience. All the folks who originally signed up via the google form I posted in this community thread have now been granted access.
If you missed that google signup form please send me a direct message with your HubSpot Account ID + an email address and I will send over instructions and get you added to the Beta.
Hi folks- We are ~3-4 weeks away from kicking off the Alpha for this project. We had a lot of people sign-up, so we had to do 2 things:
The Alpha signup form is now closed. As soon as we are comfortable with the stability of the solution, we will open this back up & make it generally available.
We were only able to select a portion of those who signed up to participate in the Alpha. For those folks who were selected, I’ll be sending instructions on how to get access to the alpha and more information on how it will work.
For those folks who weren’t selected, I’ll be reaching out to let you know. You will also be the first to get access as soon as we progress to the next stage.
Thank you for all your patience, and I am looking to finally getting this one resolved for you all!
@Levi hey yea - So right now our goal is to get to an Alpha by the end of September. This is a goal we are setting, but it is subject to change. In a comment above I posted a form here. Make sure you fill this out if you are interested in being included in this Alpha. We will select a handful from that list to get early access and to give us early feedback.
You will need to have your `reply-to` address be a connected inbox or a HubSpot hosted/ fall back inbox. For connected inboxes we will only support Gmail or Outlook inboxes. The first step in this project will be surfacing data in HubSpot on which contacts are replying to which emails. ex/
This data will show up on individual email reporting pages, as well as the global level across email campaigns in the email analyze reporting pages. We will also enable this data to be used in the lists and workflows tool. ex/
Let me know if there are any other questions! Excited to get this one solved for you all 😀
Thank you for the comments, feedback, and honesty. I understand the frustration that the lack of functionality, and stagnation over the last 3 years is causing. Recognizing the repetitiveness of this comment, I will say we are actively moving towards bringing a solution for this into HubSpot.
What I am looking for now is to start pulling apart this problem with all of you individually. We are looking to understand all of your use cases in greater detail, and needs from a reply tracking solution. This will also be the pipeline we use for getting customers into an Alpha/ Beta once we have reached that point. If you are interested in providing feedback as we build out a reply tracking solution in HubSpot, and participating in an Alphas/Beta, then please fill out this form.
I hope everyone here is doing well during these stressful times.
Taking this thread over from @Shay Yes, this work item is in-planning right now. We haven't yet started development on it. We know roughly the work needed to get there and it should be prioritized in the near future. I will update this thread with more details once that timeline becomes clearer.
As we get closer hopefully I can gather a few folks from here to get some early feedback. Looking forward to getting this one solved for you all!
Hi all, wanted to share an update here. First off, we have definitely been paying attention here, and have been following along closely with all your feedback. Apologies for the radio silence, we didn't have anything super meaniful to share at the time. I have some good news, we totally agree that this is a very impactful feature for the HubSpot product and are doing a lot of research right now to identify how and when we can make this possible. We want this to reach it's full potential, including offering capabilites to enroll/unenroll from a workflow, log replies on contact timelines, offer list segmentation, rich email reporting, the whole kitchen sink.
We'll be deep in planning and research for a little while on this so we may not have a beta soon, but I wanted to let you all know that there is light at the end of this tunnel and that your feedback was not falling on deaf ears. Bear with us on this, there's a lot to this feature but we think you're going to get a lot from it.
For some of our email marketing campaigns, our goal is to encourage a response/dialogue with their sales rep who is sending the email. It would be very helpful if one of the email marketing analytics we could track were replies sent to the "From Email Address". Ideally, "Out of Office Replies" would not be counted in this analytic.
Please allow automatic logging of replies to marketing emails.
I am sending an auto-responder (from my personal email address which is connected with Hubspot) when someone fills in our form. I would like their replies to show up in Hubspot as normal email activity.
This feature is important for business/market development work.
The goal is to make the workflow more efficient - I now have to manually search in my email inbox if that person has replied.
We have corporate account with more than 100 users and many of them using workflows with Marketing emails, and it's kind a wired when you have option to track sales email replies but no option to track marketing emails reply when we use it to nurture our clients with content or company personal updates.
Same here. When I send marketing emails and receive answers, I want to have them on the contact who sent the reply. How my sales team can do a good work if they don't know ALL messages of their contacts, even if it was marketing communication?
Agree with everything that is stated above! I want the ability to be able to pull contacts out of a marketing workflow if they respond to an email and start engaging with my sales team directly! Its a pain to make them manually unenroll on an individual basis. Plus, responses are a huge factor of email performance, you don't get the full picture without that!
Absolutely would love this. We occasionally send out broadcasts from reps and would really like to be able to attribute and be able to report on the replies that each rep receives.
This is important with emails sent from workflows too. If the contact replies to an email and is engaging directly with a sales rep, we want the workflow to stop sending to them.
Jumping in to stay on top of any movement in this area on the part of Hubspot. Our company could greatly benefit from the ability to track replies to emails, as it's the main goal of our drip campaigns (to get people to reply and start a conversation).
Also jumping in to track how this is doing. We have a really small sales team and we're looking to take out some of the manual qualification work they do on initial discovery calls by automating follow up emails for any of our key form fills (contact, demo etc.). The goal is to MQL anyone from there that actually replies to the email and then also remove them from receiving follow up emails in the same workflow.
PLEASE make this a thing! It should be a given since my emails are logged and tracked but for some reason, replies in Gmail to marketing emails sent from my email address don't get logged.
This is also something I have been looking at. At the moment the only workaround seems to be to have a custom reply-to address for the marketing emails but imagine even this feature would work if this custom reply-to was a BCC. We want our prospects to reach out to real people, and if they reply we (as in the marketing team) are able to see who replies, without having to chase the respective sales reps.
Let me start off by saying that we love HubSpot. We've enjoyed all of the educational areas available and all of the different marketing aspects that we've been able to integrate into our daily work.
The reply tracking though is one area that we've found to be terribly frustrating. While we were open to adding on the Sales Hub integration to use sequences instead of workflows, sequences just don't have the same capabilities that workflows do. Even for generalized marketing emails, we are always trying to get users to respond to us and make that personal connection. It only makes sense that these replies should be tracked.
HubSpot is such an innovative and responsive company it just amazes me that this has yet to come through even with an idea posted nearly 3 years ago. Hopefully, something is in the works for the near future.
For all our clients we create a "checking in" automated email that gets sent around 24 hours after someone downloads a content offer. This is designed to look very personalised and simply asks if the person needs any additional help.
It gets TONS of direct replies - or so we hear from our clients! Currently there's no way in HubSpot to track this, which creates a rather large gap in HubSpot's "closed loop" reporting.
On top of that, it would be fantastic to allow me to have my workflows function through the condition logical of whether or not a prospect has responded to my email or not.
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