It would be great if Hubspot had the ability to track how many replies I got to my marketing newsletters. A lot of our newsletters are designed to get people to reply to them instead of having them click on something, so really the reply rate is what we want to measure over CTR.
Each newsletter is sent from a dynamically populated email address (based on the sales rep who is working with the lead), so it's pretty impossible to track this by just monitoring an inbox.
Very much in favour of this solution. We want our sales rep to just be in Hubspot not going back and through Gmail to track the replies for the email sent from automation.
Hi folks - This is now in a Beta. We have been running an Alpha for some time now, and we are moving ahead in opening this up to a wider audience. All the folks who originally signed up via the google form I posted in this community thread have now been granted access.
If you missed that google signup form please send me a direct message with your HubSpot Account ID + an email address and I will send over instructions and get you added to the Beta.
We'd like to be able to track replies, and even more so, be able to perform actions with that knowledge. E.g. stop/change campaigns via workflows if we get a reply.
To elaborate on my above comment, here is how we use the Reply tracking.
We have a Contact based workflow - if Marketing email activity - replied to: "Email Name" > Set contact property: "Replied" = yes.
Next: Deal based workflow - Deal stage = xyz (and whatever conditions) AND Contact property "Replied" = yes > Set deal property: Stage = in touch.
We have workflows which follow up with people who have deals with Stage = Invited. So when they reply, their deal gets changed to "In touch", they no longer get follow up emails.
Hope that helps make it a bit clearer for anyone who wanted to know.
Hi folks- this is now live to all customers, with documentation here on how it works, and how to set it up. Feel free to continue to leave feedback here on how it works, and if you run into any issues please reach out through the normal HubSpot support channels.
@jaleonard19 I send marketing emails on behalf of my team and use the personalisation token "Contact Hubspot Owner Id Email". How can this work if you want responses to go directly to the contact owner, of which there are various, and need to be tracked? Surely if we were just sending one to one emails we'd use the Sales Email function?
@elise1 yep that should work just fine. We have a number of customers who are doing something similar. As long as those contact owners have their inboxes connected to HubSpot (personal or otherwise) we should be able to generate the data that shows up in the email reports.
If you want the email to be logged to the contact timeline though, then you will need your reps to have their inboxes set up as team inboxes. Instructions here for that.
@jaleonard19 Yes, all contact owners have their inboxes connected to HubSpot. So each rep needs to change their personal email set up from personal/individual into a team inbox that only they use? (It wouldn't work for our reps to have a shared team inbox.) This seems very confusing. Can this be used in the same way as they are currently using the system now?
@elise1 - If all the contact owners already have their inboxes connected to HubSpot then the data (x contact replied to y email) should populate on the email reporting pages showing reply rates & which contacts replied to what email. Additionally, the data will show up in workflows & lists to build with.
What will not show up with your current configurations is the actual content of the reply that lands in the contact owner's inbox. Aka logging the email in the CRM. To get that functionality the inbox needs to be setup as a team inbox.
Thanks @jaleonard19@elise1 - to clarify, this is in order to have the texts of the email that was sent to you (or your colleagues) appear in Hubspot. For the text of the emails you (or your colleagues) send to them, if it is logged to HS, by BCCing Hubspot, you will be able to see that email content.
@BB1 yup totally correct there. This would be that order of operation:
1) Marketing email sent to contact
2) Contact replies to a connected inbox which was the "reply-to" address of email
3) Someone at the company (marketers, account rep, etc.) replies and logs the email. Then the text of the contacts reply will show up in the CRM
If you are using just a connected inbox and not a team inbox, then the text of the replies are not automatically logged in step 2 above, and you need step 3.
And to further clarify, in either case, the data point will be created which is what shows up in the reporting pages, lists, workflows, and on the timeline (X contact, replied to Y email).
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