It would be great if Hubspot had the ability to track how many replies I got to my marketing newsletters. A lot of our newsletters are designed to get people to reply to them instead of having them click on something, so really the reply rate is what we want to measure over CTR.
Each newsletter is sent from a dynamically populated email address (based on the sales rep who is working with the lead), so it's pretty impossible to track this by just monitoring an inbox.
We have had quite a few angry contacts who have responded to multiple emails in the workflow but continued to receive follow up emails from the workflow. I was able to find a workaround by connecting the inbox of the email address that these people are coming from, but we have definitely lost customers because this option does not exist.
Also really need this - pretty baffled everything else is trackable but not this... any b2b business would require this in their automated email funnels
I completely with agree with a huge number of the statements in this thread.
Hubspot sort this out... 2 years waiting now!
Hubspot enable you to send mass emails via workflows, but the recommendations from support at use a CTA button to a form that creates a custom property which is then able to be referenced to pull a user from a workflow. Or Use a sequence, but that does not help when working on outbound lists. Fine you want to drive inbound logic, but even with a flywheel approach you still need inbound and outbound approaches to build the flywheel.
Sequences are perfect for 1-2-1 but when you want to do true 1-2-many you need the ability to unenroll based on user replies.
What's strange is via the Gmail integration Hubspot is able to thread a message in inbox against a contact record, which suggests they can connect. Email > Contact. Workflow > Contact. But not to enable you to unenroll users when Email is Sent and an action is taken. Please fix.
Hi all, wanted to share an update here. First off, we have definitely been paying attention here, and have been following along closely with all your feedback. Apologies for the radio silence, we didn't have anything super meaniful to share at the time. I have some good news, we totally agree that this is a very impactful feature for the HubSpot product and are doing a lot of research right now to identify how and when we can make this possible. We want this to reach it's full potential, including offering capabilites to enroll/unenroll from a workflow, log replies on contact timelines, offer list segmentation, rich email reporting, the whole kitchen sink.
We'll be deep in planning and research for a little while on this so we may not have a beta soon, but I wanted to let you all know that there is light at the end of this tunnel and that your feedback was not falling on deaf ears. Bear with us on this, there's a lot to this feature but we think you're going to get a lot from it.
Mis clientes tienen la costumbre de responder los mails. Da igual que sean de marketing o qué. Actualmente no tenemos esta opción y la veo necesaria!!!!
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