Email Opt Out Reason and What Email made them unsubscribe export option
It would be helpful to have a way of exporting what was the last email they received, what email they unsubscribed from, and a reason as to why they unsubscribed.
It would be benefical for us to get to know our leads better and helps with segmentation of similar leads that are still subscribed.
This is on the team's radar and we are beginning to research how this will work/where it will fit in the platform. Stay tuned for updates/details on beta access!
We would like to add to our newsletter unsubscribe page why people have unsubscribed but this is currently not possible. The goal with this is to optimize our content for our target audience.
This not only increases the quality of the newsletter, but also helps to retain people and reduce the number of unsubscribers.
It would be a huge help to be able to export unsubscription details en masse, rather than just on a message by message basis (reason, marketing email, date, etc.). It would allow us a comprehensive view of disengagement feedback and trends over time, which is vastly preferable--especially for an organization with hundreds of millions of deliveries a year--over spot-checking a handful of marketing email results.
I am wanting to include a reason for unsubscribe form into our unsubscribe flow, but can see there doesn't seem to be the functionality in HubSpot yet to incorporate this into the flow. It would be extremlely valuble to learn why recipients are unsubscribing, and I could see this was a popular feature in HubSpot community from 2018. I was wondering if there is any update/development on this functionality being available in HubSoit, or if anyone knows of any workaround they could share?
Any update? Please, it is very important to be able to implement this idea, it will be very helpful for us as Hubspot users, these little things are already implemented in other tools.
I just reached out about this almost 7 years later and was told this is still not possible. Based on this article I was following it seems like it was possible at one point but Hubspot removed the function to add a form to this specific module. How to add unsubscribe reason on HubSpot confirmation page (
@TylerScionti any updates on this? As people move away from vanity metrics and more actionable data - understanding why people unsubscribe will greatly inform marketing teams how to improve communications!
Any update on this? Seems crazy that such basic functionality not in place! Hubspot even as a blog post that says that collecting unsubscribe reasons is best practice!
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