Edit contact right side bar within Conversation Inbox
Hey team,
Raising this for a customer here.
It would be great if we can hide some of HubSpot's default section in the contact right sidebar within the Conversation Inbox (and possibly in contact records too)
Currently, we are not able to hide or remove the default sections such as deals and conversations. However, some customers find that very cluttered and confusing.
I am not sure if I am suppose to add my own solutions to posts...?
I was able to create Inbound and Outbound Activity Totals Cards. The Inbound Activity totals card, captures conversations, and allows me to see the conversation associated to the contact from the contact record.
Not sure there isn't a different and better way to do this, but this is how I was able to sovle it.
We have multiple clients desperetly needing to customize the right sidebar with Contact properties in the Inbox. This is long overdue, let's make this happen HubSpot!
I was just searching for a solution to this and see it's not yet available. Would love to customize the conversations inbox, right sidebar contact record to include relevant data to the inbox that it's in.
This has been requested for over 2 years idk how this is still a limitation at this point. It seems like the Shared Inbox was created years ago and hasn't had any improvements to customization or functionality for a long time. Not sure why this would be the only location where we cannot customize the sidebars but it's very frustrating and makes thing very messy and cluttered for our internal support teams trying to actually utilize the Support Hub.
Its crazy that this has still not been done. I need to be able to customise the "about this contact" with my inbox so i have all the information to hand to respond. Currently im having to open the contact in another tab in order to do so which is tedious and slow