I know documentation says the values for "became a lead date" and other lifecycle stages can't be updated, but can they become editable? Any mistaken updates to a contact's lifecycle stage will require someone to manually update the stages the day of so then turnaround time data is completely lost. This would also help to easily fix lead funnels that may be displaying incorrectly too.
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+1 to this! We haven't been using this field in the past, but have all this data stored elsewhere. I'd like to start using these fields to capture our funnel, especially to take advantage of the funnel reports in HS. However, I'm not able to update this retroactively so it makes a lot fo our data useless before today. Would love to be able to do at least an import of contacts with these dates updated instead of only controlled by HS.
I am trying to use this to measure funnel progress... but because it is uneditable, if the data isnt updated at the right time, it throws everything off. For example, we had an event at the end of a quarter... we didnt upload the lead list until the following week which was in the new quarter. And the result is that we have a bunch of MQLs reflecting in the new quarter incorrectly. Attribution then gets messed up, our ability to measure in quarter campaign ROI is messed up... All I want to do is make the date reflect accurately, without that this field is basically unusable for us or at least throws off our data significantly
We're just getting set up in Hubspot moving from another platform and without the ability to update the date, everyone will look like they became a Marketing Qualified Lead today instead of me being able to set the workflow to adjust the date to match the existing MQL Date property. Bringing over the data from another platform and not being able to update this for each stage makes the data as they now progress invalid.
Previously, we managed reporting in Excel, but we've shifted to using HubSpot's funnel reporting for all our data. However, when updating lifecycle stages today, associated properties like "became MQL/SQL/Opp/,etc." default to today's date. This presents challenges for reporting based on specific date ranges.
To facilitate smoother transitions for users migrating from other platforms to HubSpot, it would be beneficial to include a feature that addresses this issue.
We are moving data from our old Hubspot account to a new one and this feature is highly required to be added.. as the Lifecycle stage timelines are lost and it is impossible to build reports/funnels based on this info.
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