HubSpot Ideas


Edit Automatic Association

It seems that for any Company that Tickets, Deals, Emails, are automatically associated with one another. This makes it difficult for our sales, service or billing teams working out of HubSpot to easily interact with our customers.


For example, if one of our customers has several tickets open, and our billing team emails them from the Company page, they have to confirm and remove the association with all of the tickets, and deals manually before emailing our customers. Throughout the course of days or weeks, this can add significant overhead to their processes.


Our service team is also being impacted by this. If a customer has open deals that aren't related to service tickets. Our service technicians have to manually remove those associations when working on unrelated items.


With how busy our HubSpot is, it would be easier for us to manually add those associations. Some default associations make sense. ie. associate it with the contact of the company I'm emailing, or if I'm emailing directly from a ticket it makes sense to be associated with itself. But some of these default associations are adding extra work for our team, or causing confusion if a team member doesn't remove the associations for unrelated items.

31 Replies

@BetsyBullock Hi B, I would start here for some information and to ensure you have the necessary service from HS.

Contributor | Platinum Partner

We have the exact same problems and really need a solution here. When is this feature finally coming? 


This really needs to be fixed.  Like another user said, it's turning our system to junk. 


Our issue is with Tasks.  We have companies (referral partners) that are associated with multiple deals (referred clients).  When I look at a company record, I don't want to see every task for every associated client. I want my sales team to be able to focus on just the company-related tasks.  Currently this is not possible.


What makes it worse is there's no way to bulk edit task associations.  I have companies with thousands of tasks that I'd like to disassociate, but that would mean going through each task individually and manually deselecting the association. 




@RyC Yes!! Every day I wake up and hope that Hubspot has addressed this insane issue. How are we supposed to navigate the CRM if there's constantly junk everywhere? 


We are in the same boat, there are tasks ALL OVER THE PLACE associated with MULTIPLE COMPANIES AND PEOPLE. I'm sooooooo sick and tired of it.


@HBulder If something is broken and you don't fix it for four years, when would you ever get around to fixing it? The answer is you wouldn't, because it's not important enough if it's been four years.


Well, I'm feeling a bit of relief knowing others are having the same problem. Thought I was doing something wrong. It's insane, however, that this has been ongoing for 4 years. I implemented HubSpot a couple months ago for our CS/Sales teams and the default association of emails with Deals is frustrating and embarassing. The email integration was one of the reasons I landed on HubSpot as a 'solution' but the absolute mess of this association issue has me reconsidering other options. 

As others have noted, If I add Jane Doe as an associated contact on a Deal, and someone else on my team (who is set up with Outlook email integration) emails Jane Doe about something completely unrelated to the Deal, that unrelated email appears as an Email activity under the deal. So, when the internal 'owner' of the Deal reviews the Activity, there is a sea of emails that have nothing to do with the Deal. It's also a privacy issue. The owner of the Deal should only be able to see what's *actually* related to the Deal.

I'm at the point where I want to remove ALL associations from every Deal...which then doesn't solve the communication/visibility issues we were experiencing. 


Yet another feature languishes in the messageboard rather than in the product. Does anyone from Hubspot read these posts?

Just in case they do and this is on the radar, another needful feature is to be able to associate a Contact to a Deal without including email, meetings, etc. It is very often the case that a Contact is associated with multiple Deals but maybe only one requires tracking meetings etc/. An option to opt out of automagically including all comms would be much appreciated.   


We need this!
We have Partner contacts associated with multiple deals, but unless it is manually picked up when something is logged and corrected by a user, all the irrelevant back and forth with Partner contacts gets associated to all the deals. It is making our deals almost impossible to manage and causing huge confusion for Sales team members when managing their deals.



Partner contact associated to deal A, B and C.

Sales rep 1 looks after A and B.

Sales rep 2 looks after C.


Sales rep 1 has a conversation about deal A, but all of that is logged across all the deals. Causes huge confusion in the deal records for both sales reps, and makes the activies timeline almost redundant to be useful.


Please advise.


Seems like this isn't a bug but a bad feature.  All the same, time to get rid of it.


Please make editing auto association possible - it makes the sales process a complete mess and involves hiring someone to essentially manually manage hubspot! 


Agreed! We are having emails that have nothing to do with tickets auto-associating to the ticket when the company is associated to the ticket. This is causing a MASSIVE issue! Need this feature urgently.