HubSpot Ideas


Easily Identify workflows with errors in the flow due to invalid property values etc

When a specific property changes (example through an integration and a value no longer exists) and creates an error within a workflow, identify workflows that might have these errors easily for quick action to remedy - currently, you only identify them when you access the workflow which isn't scaleable when you have a large org with MANY workflows you don't access daily.

2 Comentarios
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I finally have an example. We had no idea this was an issue, it would be great if we can somehow see this on the list view if there is an error to be fixed.




This is totally needed and easy to implement. For starters workflows that have issues could appear in red in the properties>workflow referencing list. Totally agree with Msyvrais. I just found a invalid option in one of my workflows that had been sitting there for a year !!