HubSpot Ideas


Drag & Drop functionality for Blog Posts

As all of you might know the current blog post is just a simple rich-text which is fine for general posting. But many of our customers want a flexible solution. Like multi-column grids with different content-types like images, text, accordions/toogles ... 


The only way to achive this right now is a custom module with all possible content types and pre-defined layouts and a repeater function. 


It would be awesome if the blog post would get the drag&drop functionality so that every customer/user could design each blog post to his needs. 

40 Kommentare

I totally agree with you. I think the CMS is really mature and especially Kevin's CLEAN THEME is great. I am a little disappointed with the blog. You have virtually no design options. I hope that there will be an update soon.



I had a little chat with the Hubspot CEO about this. Here is his response:

Screenshot 2022-10-25 at 15.15.38@2x.jpg


So at least they are aware and working on it. Now, how long that will take, I don't know. 

Status aktualisiert zu: In Beta

Hello Community. 


Thank you for your feedback and incredible patience here. A bit of an update here, we are currently in a small private BETA. The team is happy to announce that we will be ready for a public BETA soon for drag-and-drop functionality in the blog post editor. If you are interested in trying this out today or have any questions, feel free to send me a message.


We also want to make it clear that this beta does not currently allow reordering modules, resizing modules, or adding modules outside the rich-text area. Thanks for your patience as we work to make this feature awesome. We are looking forward to giving you all access soon.





Si hot to try it out !
Hello - I would love to be apart of the beta testing team! Thanks

@yaisah thanks for sharing this exciting update. I would definitely be interested in trying it out immediately, even if it is only "half-baked" yet. If we can easily go back to the production version, please sign me up. Thanks!


Hi, I'd also be happy to give it a try. Best, Dani

Ratgeber/-in | Platinum Partner

Hi !

I'd love to try that 🙂

Vordenker/-in | Partner

Ohh yeah! Thank you @yaisah!
I'd love to join the beta! 

Ratgeber/-in | Elite Partner

How the heck can I turn this beta on in my portal? Pretty please. LOL

I look forward to testing some fun stuff with this option!

The two arrows on the top left page. If they are not there maybe Hubspot needs to give you access first. I think I remember that I had to ask them in the first place. Best, Dani


Is this feature live? I have a custom css file and template for a blog and it's so out dated - could someone help us convert the blog back to drag and drop plus the ability to insert background images in the header etc.

This shouldn't be so complicated...

Thank you



Hi, we would also love to get access to the beta in our main account 🙂 


Also i'm very curious to here from the people whe were allready able to test the new feature!


Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner

In some client portals it is live, without any warning.

In my dev-account some portals have the feature, some don't. It's just random.

The problem for me: most of my dev-portals don't have it and now some of our clients want custom modules for this. Don't now how I should develop these without having the feaure myself enabled. 🙈


Hi @phlp, You have to ask Hubspot to unlock these portals. Then you have a clear path. Regards, Dani

Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered

Hello Community. 


Thank you for your feedback and incredible patience here. The team is happy to announce that this feature is now available to all. We will continue to make improvements to this feature over the next few months but if you have any questions or would like to provide feedback please send me a message. 





Vordenker/-in | Partner

THANK YOU @yaisah for those incredible update! A true game changer!

Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner

Previous to this update, wich is AMAZING, i used to use the code snipets in the richtext of the content body, that is not working anymore and now i have thousands of posts broken, is there a way to fix that?

Teilnehmer/-in | Elite Partner

Is there a knowledge base article on how to implement this @yaisah .  We are trying to add dnd_area to our blog single template and receiving errors for Error:The template cannot contain "dnd_area" modules.  Thanks

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Partner

Reply to; timneighbors


HubSpot implemented this directly into the Rich Text editor available on the blog post template. 

So, you can drag and drop modules into that area. 

I don't think that you are actually able to add a dnd_area into your own template, but I might be wrong here.


Cheers, Stefan