HubSpot Ideas


Download Email HTML

We regularly need to export our emails to send to partnering companies to utilize in their own email management systems.


Currently this entails manually removing Hubspot <div> tags and classes that are created from the HUBL templates. We need a way to cleanly export html email without these tags that can bog down the emails for export.

84 Replies



Yes, Please !! Much needed !!


It's really poor customer service for you guys to not even reply to this thread. A bit of a slap in the face, imho.



Sharing an email with a 3rd party for dissemination was extremely arduos in HubSpot, please streamline this process.  


I am also here wondering how to do this, as its not quite clear. I have created a template that works great but I cannot export it. The use case is I'm trying to hand off the HTML to a third party who is deploying an eblast. Thanks!


I really need to have this option too. Please Hubspot update us



My use case is that I needed a downloadable HTML to hand off to a 3rd Party vendor to deploy to their users via eblast. It was crucial it was HTML as per the (and all?) vendor's specs. 


Overview of steps:

Step 1: Creating the Template

Step 2:  Downloading the HTML from the Template Preview




Step 1 - Creating the Template: Company home page > Marketing > Files & Templates > File (Dropdown) > Create New >  Dropdown: HTML + HubL > Template, (Dropdown) Email, Enter File Name > [Create the HTML]


Step 2 - Downloading the HTML: Marketing > Files & Templates >  [Go to your template and right click] > Create email > [Name Email] > Complete the below instructions


Instructions: If you have followed step 2 correctly, your screen will be split 30/70. To the left, about ~30% of the screen will have the "Content | Design" sidebar. It will open selected to the Content option. Click on the design side, and it will show you the template you created originally. If you hover over the template, it will say, "Open template preview". Click on this, and it should open in a new tab. If it pops open in a new tab, you have done it. You can now download/save as this page, and it will be the shareable HTML. I have shared this downloaded file with two vendors, and neither raised any issues. 


Disclaimer: I had close to zero Hubspot email experience, and I had zero HTML experience. I copied the HTML from an eblast we sent out before my time and then asked ChatGPT to help me identify different pieces of the code. If someone with more experience finds a better trick, please share! 


ZWilk, glad you found something that works for you, but this does not take care of the original issue.

We are looking for clean HTML from an email that is already built. Meaning, no extra hubspot classes, ID's etc. Seeing as I created this ticket in 2017 and Hubspot has yet to make this a priority, it seem we'll be waiting a bit longer.


Also would like to be able to do this, sort it out HubSpot!


Hi Hubspot - hoping to bubble this up. Our team is seeking a clean HTML file export feature to simplify the process when sending to 3rd parties and uploading key communications, in their original form, to our company intranet. This is a vital feature.


It's really shameful and not professional that HUBSPOT has not resolved this issue yet. It has 100% something to do with them wanting to stick user on their platform. You're losing more users right now than winning. 


I see that this has been dragging on for three years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's really a critical item that makes your product worthwhile. Everytime I go to pay for a subscription I find a reason not to!


@AKokkinos My original post is from 2017... So it's actually been 6+ years -_-



@Shane_Janssens Any update on this?

Contributor | Diamond Partner

We don't have a problem. This is the knowledgebase article and I think this thread should have this posted at the top, and comments closed. This is exactly how we do it. We send the email to ourselves as a test, click on the web version, and do this more or less. I guess it could be more button-like but it works just fine.

I have had enough. I am a very high paying customer and I am going to set up a call and make a big deal about this. It is time they get this done.

@Rgonzalez1 great that it works for you that way, but again, not what I or most others are asking. We are asking for clean code that does not have any of the extra's that Hubspot adds in. This is a feature that is widely supported elsewhere.


@Rgonzalez1 and @aselekof - Simply opening the web version and then copy pasting the HTML from that version is not the same thing as exporting an HTML for a third-party sender. This does not export a clean HTML for a third-party sender. It is, instead, providing the HTML from the Hubspot web version, which ends up with odd characters throughout that have to be cleaned up and does not carry over any tracking URLs. Third party senders that I have tried to send this copy-pasted web version HTML have not been able to use it, as it is not a clean version and it causes additional work to get the junk out of it.  @aselekof is correct in saying that the ability to export HTML is a feature that other email platforms provide, and Hubspot users have asked for this for years. 

Contributor | Diamond Partner

Formal apologies to the thread. 🙂

That's Jurassic
The positive on free plan is you can wipe their logi this way.