It would be great to have the possibility to prevent the automatic creation of contacts from our own company (employees). For example, a rule to exclude the creation of contacts by domain.
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I agree with the above suggestion and request this be added to HubSpot quickly. This seems like an HR risk as well, because the employee's Contact Record may contain internal emails between (only) employees.
For example, the Outlook utility will add BCC (to HubSpot) when the Client/Customer email is forwarded to (only) another employee. Anyone who has access to that employee's Contact Record in HS then has visibility to see employee-to-employee emails. While this is not HubSpot's fault that then employee did not uncheck Log to CRM in the Outlook Add-on before sending the email, it still presents an issue for the company that employee-to-employee emails are available to anyone with View Only access to contacts.
I disabled the email log for our company Domain which helps to not have any internal mails in HubSpot, but I would also preffer to nott have a contact for the employees at all.
Is it possible to delete contacts automatically in a workflow so:
You can just make a trigger for when a employee contact is created that this contact gets enrolled into the workflow and then gets deleted.
Trigger options for example: contains specific company email adresse/domain Gets created from XX Source etc (filter if function for company domain on top?)
its not perfect solution but a solution nevertheless
@MHolzerThanks! That's the best workaround I've seen so far. Just made a workflow that triggers on record creation of contacts, checks for our domain, and autodeletes them!
It's clunky to have to do this, but it's a **bleep** sight better than nothing. 🙂
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