HubSpot Ideas


Documentation on how hubspot connects leads and contacts in saleforce integration

There is no documentation when do mappings with custom fields between hubspot and salesforce for example

If i wanted to map the Last page seen field to both lead/contacts

1. I add last_page__c field to contact and lead. 
2. I map the two in conversion mapping
3. I choose one of the fields to connect with

Will hubspot know to connect to the lead field if I choose the contact field if 1) their API's name the same 2) their conversion mapping is in place 3) both or something else

What is the logic????? Documentation please. 

1 Reply
Top Contributor | Diamond Partner

Hi @dougomania! HubSpot Contacts sync with both Salesforce Contacts and Leads. As long as the API value is the same on the fields in Salesforce, HubSpot will sync the mapped property to both Contacts and Leads for the fields with the same API value.


For example, if "last_page__c " is the API value for the field on Leads and Contacts and this is mapped to the HubSpot property Last Page Viewed, it will sync to both Leads and Contacts! Hope this is helpful.