HubSpot Ideas


Document View Slack Message Workflow Push



Currently we use many triggers of form fill outs, meetings booked, etc to then push slack notifications to our sales slack channel. This has helped us run faster and be transprent in all things we do.


Right now workflows do not support the element of document views however, it is available as a slack notification for an individual hubspot user to their slack channel when a contact views a doc. So the framework is there but the element is not selectable in workflows.


This would be a nice value add to have more elements/actions able to be used in workflows for triggers.

1 Reply

Hi @mtallia ,


We support workflow triggers on document view through the CloudFiles app. You can set and configure the event based on many properties like view count, time spent etc... CloudFiles is a file sharing, analytics & automation solution that enahnces HubSpot Documents and solves many of the associated problems.


Currently we don't outright support pushing slack notifications on document views but very soon we will be creating zapier integrations for our events after which you can push those events anywhere on the internet. In case slack integration is an absolute requirement for you, we can perhaps come up with a temporary workaround as well. Would love to talk to you about this.


In any case you will definitly get highly customizable workflow triggers and many other things. You can try out app from the HubSpot Marketplace.

