HubSpot Ideas


Display for Report Dashboards on office tv/display

Many other productivity software have features to allow you to display dashboards on an office tv/display and have it automatically flip through various reports and dashboards to keep the whole team updated and aligned. I am invisioning it cycling through each report in full screen for a selected dashboard. 

10 Comentários

This wouold be very useful



This is exactly what my team is looking for. I'd like to see a simple slideshow set of options while in full screen mode.


This would be exceedingly useful for Sales teams! It's been a huge pain to try and recreate these dashboards in other platforms. This also doesn't seem like it would be hard to implement, just show every report on the dash as it's own slide, no need to get fancier than that.


Would be a great idea! Hopefully this feature comes soon


This is exactly what my team is looking for as well.


Exactly what we need and what I'm doing research on right now! 

I found a paid App called Octoboard, haven't tried it yet

it offers 14 days free trial so you guys can see if it suits your needs.

Still trying to find something free to save my company some money lol



It will be a great feature!!


This would also be ideal for us ! 



The platform we built RocketScreens is a simple tool, but it must stable and reliable, so we have created an authoring tool ( Content Management System), Secure Integrations to connect natively to 100 tools primarily through their APIs, and various player software platforms. You can find RocketScreens in the Amazon App Store, also in various Android Stores. We do not have one for Roku at this time. One of our player types also lets you push content to a URL ( we call it a virtual player). Some drawbacks with virtual, like no backup if you lose the internet.

Your comment on the hassle of accessing and the time is one of the values of this tech. If you want to try it please go to our website and sign up for the 2 week trial. Would love to get your feedback. Our goal is to also start creating some feedback loops / gamification in the system. So not only reports and Dashboard show up on screens, but also triggers and updates of those triggers (like a won or new deal) show up.

We use the static dashboard now and would very much like a scrolling one.  It would also be great if the dash didnt need to be a full logged in user to view the dash. 


I just want a rasp pi to sit and display the dash - i have to create a limited user account and log into to get to the reports.