HubSpot Ideas


Disable automatic contact creation for Conversations

HubSpot auto creates a contact for anyone that emails in - or is cc'd into a reply in conversations. For some customers who manage through support, this will mean a large number of contacts can enter the database. The only way to prevent this at the moment is by setting filtering rules, as all filtered emails do not create contacts. There is a use case from a customer in this post [Hyperlink removed by moderator as it linked to an archived Community post with duplicate information]


This is a request to build a "Create contact" rule giving us the option to disable automtically creating contacts for people we communicate with in Conversations.


354 Replies

Our users have stopped logging email communications into HubSpot due to CCd individuals being automatically created as new contacts.   This is obvioulsy not what we want- hopefully it doesnt come to this, but unfortunately the end result here will be a need to move away from HubSpot. 😞


We have to get someone to "clean" the cc'd contacts out every month, very frustrating and should be a simple fix. Come on @hubspot  sort it out 🙂


Dear HubSpot product Team,


I have seen so many users are struggling to disable the auto creation of a contact which is created while having conversation synch with Facebook. So after the Facebook synchronization , all the messages on FB messenger are appearing in Conversation. But we do not want all these conversations become a Contact. We would like to create manually the contact who is relevant to become a prospect.


Please help.. Been highlighting this issue for quite a long time but no fix..





I just set up the inbox to discover that everything sent to my email becomes a contact by default. This is crazy! HubSpot replied two years ago that they were working on this...

Yes , Unfortunately , lot of people are facing this issue .. But no fix !

Very Higly needed. Thank you!


HupSpot should offer a setting where contact creatio is optional; for example, in the side bar for HubSpot in Outlook, it would offer "add contact to HubSpot".  Quick and simple and avoides adding hundreds of non-client contacts.

Contributor | Partner

Hi @SBruckel , Hubspot does have a setting in the Outlook widget that allows you to turn contact creation off by default, and then you can enable it only for the emails that you want to be logged in Hubspot - and the contact created. The main issue is with the email address that is connected to Hubspot Inbox - where every email creates a contact. This, if I understood correctly your point above. Best.

Thank you very much - I see the setting now - I will try that. Thank you for pointing it out.
Contributor | Partner



Thankyou AlexandruB , My problem is not from email , I have connected with facebook messenger and any messege is facebook messenger creates a contact which I dont want. I only want to create the contacts who provide certain information in messenger ? How can we achieve this to disable autocreation of contacts...


Please help.





Contributor | Partner

Ok, so again this is connected to the inbox (Hubspot's). I don't think you can do anything about that, meaning to prevent the contact from being created. You can delete after, create filters, monitor, etc, etc, but don't think there is a way to prevent it.


We receive tons of spam via chat and I find we're constantly dealing with the aftermath.

Even if we mark the contact as being blocked, the company might still be created and we're constantly cleaning up. 


It would be great to decide from a chat whether we want to create the contact or not.  This might also be beneficial from emails too.


How come the use case is a private resource? I am a Sales level HS customer, and I would like to see it. 


This issue seems to be frustrating quite a few people, with no clear solution, except to manually add emails to the Never Log list, or to manually delete non-essential contacts. 

I have an idea but need some help. Is there a way to differentiate contacts automatically created by the Sale Extension vs. contacts created from chatflows, workflows, and our users?

Contributor | Partner

@Cdubya , actually there is. You find a contact that was created through the Sales Extension. Go to "View all properties". Check the "original source" drilldown fields. Mine sais "EXTENSION". Go to the Clients tab, create a filter. And that should be it.


This is such an obvious necessity that I cannot fathom how this feature doesn't already exist.


@AlexandraB yes and no, even if you use the drill down fields, some contacts created by the chatflow are not able to be located. A work around was to create a custom property from the chatflow to "tag" the source of the contact so you can use HS filters to create a view. 

Contributor | Partner

👍. We work with what we have. Although, something better is needed in this area. 

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