Disable automatic contact creation for Conversations
HubSpot auto creates a contact for anyone that emails in - or is cc'd into a reply in conversations. For some customers who manage through support, this will mean a large number of contacts can enter the database. The only way to prevent this at the moment is by setting filtering rules, as all filtered emails do not create contacts. There is a use case from a customer in this post [Hyperlink removed by moderator as it linked to an archived Community post with duplicate information]
This is a request to build a "Create contact" rule giving us the option to disable automtically creating contacts for people we communicate with in Conversations.
@ASaeed @I think you might be missing the meaning of this issue. It isn't about just turning off email so personal contacts aren't entered into Hubspot. Instead, it's related to companies that use Service Hub to assist people who are not perspective leads.
A bunch of B2B companies do support for their client's clients and don't want that end user's data stored in the system.
for instance, we have 2000 customers, we have a lead list with another 8,000 prospects. But we have >1m people transacting on our system. We use Service Hub for this 1M people but they are not sales leads by any means. We don't want their data being mixed up with actual leads. Inevitably people start getting our marketing emails when they aren't potential leads.
Another option, instead of giving the ability to stop creating contacts/companies from Service Hib would be to allow Service Hib to live in a completely separate account that is loosely connected to the master account.
@iamathlete I believe you may be in the wrong thread. What you are asking for is for Hubspot to give you the ability to add multiple emails (perhaps a marketing@___.com,service@___.com , or even an info@___.com) and manage them by turning off one's ability to pull emails and leaving the other's on. I'm not sure if Hubspot can do this because I never tried to add more than one email, but I see you can add a personal ... perhaps try that and if that doesn't work start a new thread to suggest your idea?
This thread is mainly about the issue that it pulls every email address and builds a list inevitably, and that gets annoying, but most of us didn't realize that problem has been fixed ages ago ... I hope I am understanding your reply correctly.
@ASaeed As far as I can tell, the feature you're referring to only exists for personal emails, while this thread is about the general Conversations tool, in which you can link channels - like team emails - to inboxes. For that part, contacts are automatically created when emails come in through such a channel. Unless I'm missing a similar feature for channels, there is no way to disable the automatic contact creation yet.
Hi @iamathlete, yes this is what is happening currently. But not sure if it is in service hub. My leads contact list is being filled with 25 odd contacts every day.
I added my PA's email to the system and to enable her to get emails pulled from hubspot to Mailchimp and it has been a mess since.
Many of our clients would LOVE this feature. Sometimes communication needs to be visible to a team but not necessarily to create a contact in the database. The ability to be able to mark a contact to be created would be an amazing and MUCH NEEDED feature!
i just spun up a separate Hubspot portal and moving our Service out of our primary Hubspot portal. It's far from efficient but it's going to take months to clean up the mess of data I have now.
As head of Marketing at our company, I have a few customer-facing email addresses, which unfortunately attracts a lot of SPAM. Having a setting that allows me to choose whom I make as a contact would be a great help. I am filtering now, which is partially working. Thanks for your consideration.
Please complete this. We currently have texting connected as a conversations inbox and send over 5000 texts per month. For every reply, we get a new contact is created which is around 30 - 40 per day. Building a list to remove contacts is less than ideal and taking up time of employees.
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