HubSpot Ideas


Disable File Manager via Permission Set Rules

We really need the ability to completely disable the file manager via permission sets. Please make this a feature!

6 Comentários
Participante | Parceiro Platinum

Agreed! We have the same need based on a client request for a permission set where they don't want users to even view the File Manager. Currently you can only turn off upload, edit, and delete access but not view.


Our entire Marketing department agrees with this recommendation. This is a huge point and we don't want end-users to be able to view assets/files. Please consider this change. Especially with the new pricing model and having view only seats -- being able to remove file access will become more in demand 


Agreed with Jason Newman above.


I agree with this idea, don't want users to be able to view them


I also agree with the above comments! We do not want users to view these files, so removing their access to it would be a great feature. 

Status atualizado para: Delivered
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Hello all, this is now available! You can disable Files permissions for users and teams altogether, which means they won't have access to the File Manager tool. You can also now manage individual file and folder permissions more granularly, all the way down to an individual user (learn more here.