I frequently put together resources that I want to send out and make sure that our clients receive it. I also use sequences to send emails to our team internally so that I can track opens & engagement within the team.
I think it would be helpful to be able to turn off the 'automatic unenrollment' once someone replies, because I'd still like the contact to receive all subsequent communications.
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Yes please! I use a sequence for internal tasking on customers's files and everytime the customers email us the tasking sequences stop and we have to re subscribe manually on the right stage. It's creating manual tasks and increases risks in follow ups (which is exact opposite of the original purpose..).
@BNunan They're too busy working on new potential streams of revenue like their payment platform instead of focusing on the core product evidently. Still dying for this feature.
So weird that they have the toggle off or on setting within the sequences themselves but you simply can't acess it. seems like it the functionality is already there but Hubspot just won't let us do it? hoping this gets sorted soon!
i support this. outreach.io does it and in my last sales job it was very useful. i have prospects that reply to me but still need to stay in the sequnce for manual follow up purposes
Agree - prospecting sequences are great, but we are a very high volume sale and our reps also need deal sequences and customer sequences.
For example - when it's a proposal follow up sequence - the client might thank the rep for sending the proposal but the rep still wants the task to get created in 2 days to give them a call. I'm trying to build a workflow that will re-enroll the contact after a specific step but that seems SUPER complicated - should just be an easy setting to turn off for specific sequences.
This is a great idea. For example, if a sequence is purely to enrol a contact once they've booked a meeting, currently if they reply to the sequence without booking a meeting, they're unenrolled. There is no way to turn this feautre off. It doesnt make sense to me.
Is there a "super upvote" button?? This is one is particularly frustrating, since the setting ALREADY EXISTS!!! They just need to let us toggle the switch off!
We will have an update soon! There was a recent interview with the Product Manager of sequences on the HubSpot blog and I have asked if we can use the toggle. Fingers crossed I get an update next week. If I do, I'll update here too!
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