HubSpot Ideas


Desktop notifications for inbound calls in the browser

Hubspot has recently launched Hubspot phone numbers (currently in beta) that support inbound calls. 


Currently the only way a user will know if an inbound call is being received is:

  • An audio ringing sound through the system audio device
  • A visual notification within the Hubspot application

The problem - if you aren't in/looking at Hubspot when the call comes in, the only way you'll know it is happening is through the speaker. I for one use a headset so the audio device is set to that and I don't hear audio alerts like this, so I have no way of knowing the call is coming in.


Idea: add desktop browser notifications for inbound calls. Chrome and other browserssupport native desktop notifications; this should be enabled for inbound calls.

3 Replies

Great idea! I have missed a few calls the same way! A visual alert would would be an incredibly useful addition.


Much needed feature! My team recently moved from Teams to HubSpot calls and they went from missing about 2% of calls to now over well over 10%. 


I can believe it! Not only do I miss the calls, but I'm also completely unaware that I have missed a call unless I specifically look for the notification. It's a real issue. We also need a 'Missed Call' desktop notification!