HubSpot Ideas


Default email address for sending from CRM



I've my admin email address and I also have several other connected accounts.


How can I do to set-up as default one of the "others" connected accounts instead of my Admin account?


Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me on this.


HubSpot Updates
December 06, 2024 10:16 AM

Hi everyone! Thank you for your feedback throughout the beta. I'm excited to announce this functionality is now Live to all portals: !

October 08, 2024 02:59 PM

@DanaIrvine we found and patched a bug with the beta earlier this week that I think might be what was impacting your users. Please let me know if you're still experiencing that issue where it doesn't work for some people!

October 08, 2024 02:58 PM

Amazing context, thank you @AlaynaNelson ! I've shared that with our Help Desk PM who is exploring the idea of defaults for the support/service use case. This particular feature will probably stay a user level setting for now, but I wouldn't be surprised to see something additional that's closer to what you're describing available in the near future 🙂 

October 03, 2024 08:36 AM

Great feedback, thank you @AlaynaNelson! For your support team, are your users primarily working from the Ticket record or a dedicated workspace like Help Desk or Conversations Inbox? 


@DanaIrvine let's get this working for you. Have you reached out to HubSpot support yet? Feel free to send me a message here and we can take a look!


In Beta
September 27, 2024 08:41 AM

Hi all! Thank you for your patience as we worked on this feature. I'm so pleased to share we've just entered Private Beta! Follow this link to request access for your portal. I will be doing regular ungates at least once every business day. Please let me know if you run into any issues.

In Planning
July 18, 2024 03:44 PM

Hi everyone! I'm very excited to share that this idea is now In Planning! Thank you for all the feedback so far. Stay tuned for future updates.

Being Reviewed
February 26, 2024 03:23 PM

Hi everyone! I am updating this idea to Being Reviewed as we consider if we'll be able to deliver it this year.

Not Currently Planned
March 19, 2021 04:56 PM

Hi everyone - Thanks so much for your comments and engagements on this thread. We take your feedback very seriously and have been tracking the popularity of this request. We don't currently have the bandwidth to tackle this work right now, so I'm updating the status of this idea to reflect that. Apologies that it's not better news, but I will be back here with an update if and when we are able to move forward with this!

March 20, 2017 10:23 AM

Hey @sebavicto @DyfedWallis I apologise for the delay in getting to this query. 

I'm sorry, but in this case I don't understand the question. Could you explain further?


Are you trying to add multiple connected accounts in addtion to your own? 
It is not possible to have this set up by default, each user must log in individually and follow these instructions to connect there inbox:


Plet let me know if I have misunderstood the question. 

189 Replies

We have the same problem.


We have 4 ticket pipelines, for each product one pipeline. Each pipeline has its own e-mail address as connected channel to receive and send emails from.


Since the ticket has a pipeline set, why is it even possible to select an email address from the other pipelines as sender address?


The sender address seems to be stateful, so the last selected sender address is used for the next email reply. This is a major point of failure for people who support more than one product and therefore have to work in more than one pipeline.


We would like to only send from the pipelines connected email address.



It creates a huge problem, especially for our junior users. Since the first email ever created in HS is nonexistent and not monitored anymore and is impossible to delete, anytime the personal email is disconnected for any reason, marketing emails will be sent from that email address. If the custumer replies, it simply bounces. 

One of my users sent more than 100 emails in the last 2 days using that address by mistake. 



We need this as well! 

Just let me pick a default account in my user preferences. 


In my company we would need a default email BY ticket pipeline.




Sure needed function.


The email used seems to vary randomly for us, which is not at all helpful. It's often one from the wrong continent, intended for use in the wrong language! Not sensible at all.


@JDale your trouble seems like it can be fixed (largely) by permissions to inboxes. I solved for 80% of this problem in my organization by restricting which users have access to which inbox. Our inboxes are set up around the department and team using the email addresses. Restricting users to only their team inbox resolved them accidentally sending from the wrong email address. 


This does not perfectly solve users who wear multiple hats in various teams or for admins that have access to all emails. This strictly comes down to training them to pay attention to the email address they are sending from. It's easier in this case though because the multi-role people tend to be higher functioning users - but accidents continue to happen. 


Hubspot this really needs to be fixed.

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone! I am updating this idea to Being Reviewed as we consider if we'll be able to deliver it this year.


If you have access to send emails from a team email (like support@...) and connected your personal work email to HubSpot, you can't choose which email is selected by default when you send emails from HubSpot. The list is in order of which email was connected most recently so I discovered that if it's always defaulting to the support email for you and you want it to default to your personal, just reconnect your personal email and it will default to that one since that's the most recent one that was connected.


I would like a setting in a user's profile for them to decide which email to default to when sending emails. My CSMs have found themselves sending emails from the wrong address multiple times because we couldn't figure out how to change the default.


Upvote on this one. Also important for us, as we have a lot of different sending-mail-addresses and need to avoid to publish the wrong mail-address to the wrong target-group. Would be very helpful! 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi everyone! I'm very excited to share that this idea is now In Planning! Thank you for all the feedback so far. Stay tuned for future updates.

I wrote that request about 10 years ago! For real, that's a success for your company, finally adding a much-needed feature to your app that's been sitting there for near on 10 years?

I've moved on, wasn't going to sit there waiting. Good luck Hubspot clients...

@hroberts Great! is so important for ecommerce that have severals portals or email, 


@hroberts Thanks for the update on this. Please, please, please, can this be sped up? It's a major negative in comparison to nameless competitors and creates a lot of opportunities for human error. 

Participant | Diamond Partner

@hroberts Would love to be added to this BETA once it's in that phase!

HubSpot Product Team

Hi all! Thank you for your patience as we worked on this feature. I'm so pleased to share we've just entered Private Beta! Follow this link to request access for your portal. I will be doing regular ungates at least once every business day. Please let me know if you run into any issues.


This beta is a great start! Thank you so much! I've opted in and am anxious to test it! I know this is just version 1 but some additional features I'd love to see:


  1. Set a default "send from" email address for a team - ie our Support team all has the default "" as their default send from address.
  2. I'd also like to see being able to override the send from address on replies. Right now, the beta says that this default send from really only works when composing emails. My team is more frequently responding to emails and sometimes the email address the customer emailed was not the right email and it gets passed internally to another team to respond. (example: someone emails but they should have emailed - if support transfers the email and ticket to member services and member services tries to reply, we wouldn't want their send from email to be - we would want it to override at that point and come from If we could set a reply from default for a team or for a pipeline even that would be cool. ie: if the ticket I'm responding to is in this pipeline, the default reply from email for this team is

Again, I know we are in the early stages of this launch but these additional features to have customization and flexibility would  be a game changer! Thank you!!


I'm in the beta and some users can set a default and others cannot. It lets them pick it but it doesn't actually save.


The beta lets some users set a default but others it looks like it works, but it doesn't actually save a default. 
