HubSpot Ideas


Default email address for sending from CRM



I've my admin email address and I also have several other connected accounts.


How can I do to set-up as default one of the "others" connected accounts instead of my Admin account?


Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me on this.


HubSpot Updates
December 06, 2024 10:16 AM

Hi everyone! Thank you for your feedback throughout the beta. I'm excited to announce this functionality is now Live to all portals: !

October 08, 2024 02:59 PM

@DanaIrvine we found and patched a bug with the beta earlier this week that I think might be what was impacting your users. Please let me know if you're still experiencing that issue where it doesn't work for some people!

October 08, 2024 02:58 PM

Amazing context, thank you @AlaynaNelson ! I've shared that with our Help Desk PM who is exploring the idea of defaults for the support/service use case. This particular feature will probably stay a user level setting for now, but I wouldn't be surprised to see something additional that's closer to what you're describing available in the near future 🙂 

October 03, 2024 08:36 AM

Great feedback, thank you @AlaynaNelson! For your support team, are your users primarily working from the Ticket record or a dedicated workspace like Help Desk or Conversations Inbox? 


@DanaIrvine let's get this working for you. Have you reached out to HubSpot support yet? Feel free to send me a message here and we can take a look!


In Beta
September 27, 2024 08:41 AM

Hi all! Thank you for your patience as we worked on this feature. I'm so pleased to share we've just entered Private Beta! Follow this link to request access for your portal. I will be doing regular ungates at least once every business day. Please let me know if you run into any issues.

In Planning
July 18, 2024 03:44 PM

Hi everyone! I'm very excited to share that this idea is now In Planning! Thank you for all the feedback so far. Stay tuned for future updates.

Being Reviewed
February 26, 2024 03:23 PM

Hi everyone! I am updating this idea to Being Reviewed as we consider if we'll be able to deliver it this year.

Not Currently Planned
March 19, 2021 04:56 PM

Hi everyone - Thanks so much for your comments and engagements on this thread. We take your feedback very seriously and have been tracking the popularity of this request. We don't currently have the bandwidth to tackle this work right now, so I'm updating the status of this idea to reflect that. Apologies that it's not better news, but I will be back here with an update if and when we are able to move forward with this!

March 20, 2017 10:23 AM

Hey @sebavicto @DyfedWallis I apologise for the delay in getting to this query. 

I'm sorry, but in this case I don't understand the question. Could you explain further?


Are you trying to add multiple connected accounts in addtion to your own? 
It is not possible to have this set up by default, each user must log in individually and follow these instructions to connect there inbox:


Plet let me know if I have misunderstood the question. 

189 Replies

Same question from me!


so I guess no one from @HubspotD or @ninavogt can answer our simple request, it's a pity as I see it as a very critical situation when you are working with alias and other employees


Thanks in advance if ANYONE has a comment on am issue pls, tks

HubSpot Product Team

Hey @sebavicto @DyfedWallis I apologise for the delay in getting to this query. 

I'm sorry, but in this case I don't understand the question. Could you explain further?


Are you trying to add multiple connected accounts in addtion to your own? 
It is not possible to have this set up by default, each user must log in individually and follow these instructions to connect there inbox:


Plet let me know if I have misunderstood the question. 


Thanks for picking this up.  Let me explain. 


In Sales / Contact Record / Email, I have 2 email address I can send from (.biz and .com).  These are in a drop down list in FROM.   By default it uses my .com address unless I manually select the other address.   I want it to use the .biz address by default - as this is the email I will use 95% of the time.   

HubSpot Product Team

Hey @DyfedWallis if you want to use the second email address as default, you will need to set up a user account with that email address ...let me know if his is something you have already done. 


Hi @roisinkirby unfortunately that's not a solution. We are speaking about making the default account one of the "Connected Accounts".


What you are suggesting as a solution is creating different user accounts/portals which doesn't make any sense at all.


Thanks in advance if you can escalate this issue in case you don't have a solution.


I appreciate your comprehension and in case it's not cleare please do let me know.


HubSpot Product Team

Hey @sebavicto @DyfedWallis I just want to clarify the above to make sure we are all on the same page.


@DyfedWallis what you are describing sounds like you are describing having two default sending email addresses for one contact. This is not currently possible with HubSpot, but is a popular feature request. I would therefore encourage you to vote for the feature request which has been posted here.


@sebavicto when you reference 'Connected Email Address' / 'Email' this sounds more like using setting up your team on HubSpot Sales. Could you please send me a private message outlining exactly what you are trying to acheive and I can review? As explained, the email address that is uses depends on the user account you are signed in on, but I might not be following your request here. 





It would be good if we are able to set as default email account, or to change the name(when I want, not forever) of my default account.


In the picture below to see if I'm able for example two things:


A- Send always as default from email address training@ubi... . The name of sender will still be Edward Willby


B- No matter which email address I decide to send the email, to see if it's possible to change the name it is send from, ex. chaning from Edward Willby to Sebastián V.



Thanks in advance,

Sebastiándefault ex. from one of the connected emails accountsdefault ex. from one of the connected emails accounts


The possibility to change the default sending address, would solve the following problem for us:


  • Our company uses Google Apps for Work
  • We use Hubspot for a product which has a different name than our company, we therefore setup email addresses as aliases matching the product brand
  • If setting up a Hubspot account with the alias email address, we weren't able to connect our Gmail account with Hubspot anymore.


With this feature, we could use our main email address to login to Hubspot, and setup our product brand email address as an additional email address, which we would set as the default sending address.


Hi Nima,


Interesting post and situation which I believe is quite common to all of us and you describe it very well. I hope @annetempelmeier can help us as it's a really important feature.



Just wanted to chime in that we are also interested in an enhancement to allow us to specify a default From address, other than a Sales reps primary address.


Support provided me with the following feedback when I inquired about this functionality:




Hi Keith,


Thanks for contacting Support. It's not possible at the moment, but it's definitely something we're seeing coming up again and again. I know our development team have been discussing the possibility of adding this in the future, but for the moment it's unlikely we'll see this in the coming months (it seems like a small change, but requires some pretty heavy lifting behind the scenes to ensure it sends correctly). I'm going to reach out to let them know we've had some more cases around this though to ensure it's front of mind this them. You can mention it on the Community Ideas forum to be notified of an update on this and give others the chance to vote on the topic and the developers would se your response.


The extent of what you can do for a possible solution would be to create a new "user" with the secondary email address that would allow the other Sales users to log in as and send emails from in HubSpot when necessary.


Please let me know if you have further questions around this if not have a great weekend!


All The Best,

Karlon St Bernard


I really wish this was a feature.    its annoying to have to change it every time i prospect.


Would save time and it's annoying.


I need this feature as well.


I need this feature as well.


I need this feature too.


We also really need this feature.

Our sales have a regular account, say, were THEY SHOULD NEVER SEND COMMERCIAL EMAILS.

Therefore, they have an alias, say, from which they send emails via Hubspot.

This issue is very frustrating for us because:
- Sales have to manually select the alias email and this is a huge pain for them (and they always report on this);
- Sending emails with their prilmary address is very bad for the way we work internally.
- When they select a new sequence, they have to manually go back if the wrong email is inputed.

We would strongly require this. I see it's possible for contacts to select the 'primary' address. Hope this feature will be available soon.


I need this feature as well.


So we can't update default alias address?


Why would you allow people to manually select but not allow them to update default?


I'm here to hopefully keep this thread active, and to continue to this as a potential new feature.  As someone without any technical expertise it seems like an easy add by selecting a default email in the settings tab as well as default fonts/sizes. 


My situation is similar to  @Nima  in that we operate two companies which 90% of my time is focused on one and 10% on the other, but the default setting is on the unfortunate side of this ratio.  


I think HubSpot is great so far, and this is only a minor annoyance.  Fix would be both a time saver and help avoid future embarassment sending from the wrong email.