HubSpot Ideas


Default Pipeline

It would be nice if we could set a Default Pipeline under Deals in a similar way that we can set a Default View. We have product managers who care more about a specific product pipeline than other reps would. At the moment, even if we set a Defualt View with a Pipeline Filter, the user is still directed to the first Product Pipeline that was created in the system. 

HubSpot Updates
Not Currently Planned
August 20, 2024 09:42 AM

Hello community members! 


My name is Jeannie and I'm the PM for CRM pipelines. I just became aware of this post and wanted to provide an update. This is not currently prioritized on the roadmap, as we are focused on delivering other high value-added features and enhancements.


In the meantime, here are some options that may help:

  1. Admins can reorder pipelines to set the first one as the default.
  2. Once a user interacts with a specific pipeline on the board page, the next time they return to that page, that same pipeline will be the one they see. 

I recognize it might be disappointing to hear this isn't being prioritized, but I hope you will get excited about all the other features we've been working on, to help elevate how you manage your pipelines in HubSpot, including pipeline rules, colour-coded object tags, etc.




30 Replies

Yes! This would be amazing. Does anyone have a workaround for this?


any update on this?  would be a very good feature


Yes, would be a great addition. Please add.

Top Contributor

This would be good if we could set different default pipelines for different people.


Even better would be assigning different inquiry form submissions into different deal piplines depending on the type of inquiry/lead.


Agreed. Every single deal I create I have to change the pipeline.


Agreed. I don't want to mistakenly put a deal in the wrong pipeline. 

Key Advisor | Diamond Partner

Hello, it's now possible to do this. Actually each user can have your own pipeline default view. Here are the steps for it :


1. You will want to select the pipeline that we want for the default view from the dropdown at the top.

2. Once that is selected - you will want to press "save view" on the right hand side

3. Once we save and rename the view - you would click on the black arrow from the new tab that was opened and select "pin view" and then "make default view.

That's it. I hope that can helps.


@Bruno_Teixeira That's kind of interesting... so basically if you create a deal from the deals page, the default pipeline for the new deal will be the pipeline you had selected in the deals page.


But what about choosing the default pipeline when creating a deal from, say, a contact record?

Key Advisor | Diamond Partner

Hello @charliepinker , when creating a deal you cannot have a default pipeline, however you can reorder your pipelines by selecting 'options > reorder pipelines' on the right next to the pipeline selector. 

Once you have reordered the pipelines, the pipeline will default to the first pipeline in that option.


Hi @Bruno_Teixeira yes, that's why this idea has been created, to change that!

Key Advisor | Diamond Partner

Hello @charliepinker , I understood your need, however from my understanding the idea submitted was referring to having a default view on the Deals pipeline view. 

With the solution I proposed I think that can solve the problem faced by Xavier Drake.

I suggest to you to create a new idea submitting your need that in my point of view is also something important to have.

Thanks and I hope that can helps.

Top Contributor

Totally agree with this feature request. It would be great to be able to specify a "default" pipeline for each user so that when they click on "Create Deal" anywhere in their HubSpot app, it will default to the one that we select for them.


This would be helpful also because it makes it easier to create deals with a default pipeline popping up for sales teams who may still want to have insight or collaborate with others in other pipelines. We need this!! 


Greetings from 2022. 


The Future


This original post was back in 2017.  It's now almost 5 years later and there still isn't an option to label a pipeline as default when creating a new deal.  


Hi, I have sorted my pipeline in the order I want but it is still defaulting to pipelines that are not the Sales pipeline for creating a new deal on a company record or on the deal view page. This is pretty inconvenient and is causing confusion for my team who is mainly focusing on Sales pipelines. Can someone please update this or look into why this isn't working for me? 


Great idea from drew_cohen: "It would be great to be able to specify a "default" pipeline for each user".


I need this too! But wanted it tied to teams instead. User is ok too, be ause they have a team. Preferably tomorrow,! 🙂 


Would like to push this again! 


Enough with the friggin workarounds! 

Give the people what they want... 

It seems Hubspot at the same time as charging through the nose is great at giving people workarounds in hopes it'll keep people quiet OR they forget and move on. 

This simple feature addition will give everyone a nice feeling, especially the people in this feed who've been waiting 6 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If there is ANYONE from Hubspot that actually reads these, please I implore you, to add a "default" pipeline toggle... It reduces the amount of times I have to click around to get my work down... 

Thank you