Recently decimal places have been added to the deal amounts when viewed in Board View. It should be an optional setting to have these or not, whichever makes sense for the individuals use.
In addition, the deal amount and description used to be on two separate lines - they are now combined on one line which is confusing and unclear. This should at least be optional as well.
Hi @Gabriel_Guigue, would you mind posting this idea for Reporting specifically? This idea was for the board view and that's what my team and I oversee. Thank you!
We've recently decluttered the board view, simplifying how amounts appear. All users will now seecurrencyamounts on the board auto-formattedas follows:
Rounded up to the nearest whole number
Amounts over 1 million will be abbreviated (e.g. 1.2M)
Amounts under 1 million will appear in full, up to the nearest whole number (e.g. 999,999)
This would indeed be a much apreciated option. We deal with large amounts and this is just an unnecessary use of space, especially in the board deal view. Thanks !
Fully agree: the decimals are not useful in losts of cases.
Our concrete cas: we are charging 3y upfront, and when we have for example 1'000 as a price, the ACV automatically calculated is 333.33... The last .33 is really useless for us.
=> We would appreciate to be able to decide using the decimals or not.