Deals forecast report should use company currency in multi currency pipelines
After hubspot announcement of multi currency support, we updated our product gallery to allow for this. After some tinkering, we were on track to use multiple currencies for our deals.
However, now we realize the deal forecast report (on which we rely heavily) does the forecasting based on the deal amount, without taking exchange rates into consideration.
This means that if I have a usd deal (ex rate = 1), uyu deal (ex rate = 0.03), it will sum both amounts as absolute values, which means the forecast is all wrong.
With the help of the support team we've created a custom report that adds the forecast for each stage, but it is not exactly the same, and we already use some custom reports, which means adding another is not an option.
Hi! This issue also applies to the Deal Closed vs Goal dashboard. Closed a deal in a currency with ex rate 0.03 to usd and the report went crazy (I´m not that good at closing deals 🙂 )
I'm assuming it goes with any dashboard with the deal amount in its data.
@emilytong Could we get some feedback from the Product Team?
@aletocar - thanks for looping me in! I'll see what I can do to follow up on this request internally to help this idea gain more traction with the Product Team.
By the way, in the amount closed vs goal, you can change the report settings to take the amount in company currency instead of the deal amount for the report. Since the forecast report is not editable, there's no way to make that happen.
Hi! This issue has been resolved on our end, and the deal forecast report now takes the company currency to build, instead of the deal amount. This is working for us.