HubSpot Ideas


Deal sorting on the company view



We would like to propose that in the future it will be possible to have some sort of deal sorting on thre company view. I was told that the deals is listed by create with the oldest first, which seems odd to us as we would think it makes more sens to have newest first or perhaps by close either way it benefit if it was possible for the user to define his own sorting.


Any thoughts?

4 Kommentare

Currently, the sort seems random to me. I agree sorting by newest created deal would be helpful. Most ideal is if users can choose the criteria to sort. 


It does appear random. At the very least, I would like some form of "I don't care about this deal from the top-level company/contact page"


Additionally, when looking at the "veiw more" I'd like to see across all pipelines and not just one. Reason, we use multiple pipeplines depending on where we are with our customer.


The next piece, which maybe makes sense in a new idea, is to have labeling to deals. While propreties work great, it would be useful to have color coding (or some other visible coding) to know which deals are "hot" "working" or priority based. This way, it is easier to scan the multiple deals we have with customers. I have upwards of 13 deals for one company and it is a challenge to sift through them all without adding some cryptic deal name.


It seems to me that the 5 deals shown in Company view page are sorted somehow by close date BUT:

  • If the date is changed, the Deal is shown (or not shown) according the original value of close date (the showen 5 deals are still the same even after dates changing of deals).
  • Some deals are not shown eventhough they are newer than others which are shown.

I agree that it seems as "Random". For us it is very confusing - we need to have quick access to active, fresh deals. Dont need to have there old and closed deals... I would like to understand the priciple of choosing deals to show here - asked Help but they dont know too...


Agree, for us sorting by close date with the most recent first would be preferable.