HubSpot Ideas


Deal Revenue Forecast - Trends Report

When I was a VP of sales, we did this report on a spreadsheet, % of likelihood X Deal Amount. The value wasn't in the standalone number, the value was in how that number was trending. 

We would track by Month, Quarter and Year.

If your quarterly forecast on the 1st day of each quarter averaged $1M and was going up 15% every quarter, and right now it's $500K, you have a problem coming. 

Particularly important when business gets soft to see just how soft your pipeline is getting.

A trend report by month, quarter and year triggered by the same day (1st of that period) and showing trend lines with the ability to get at the underlying data would be huge right now.

2 Replies

Has this idea been resolved yet as it is something I was wondering too - being able to see what our forecast quarterly and financial year revenue would be based on the Deals submitted. 

Currently I can set the Fiscal year and define quarters for CRM but not sure how this translates to deals and ideally I would like to be able to state on a deal how much of the total to apportion to quarters rather than assuming that a deal for 12months earnt 25% every quarter as that is not always how we structure deals


This applies to all data that changes over time.