Last week we experienced a situation where our data become duplicated and thereby corrupt. Hubspot had to issue a fix, however our data remains comprimised.
We need an automated backup process so in the future we are able to recover the information that was missing.
I second this. An automatic backup tool would be immensely helpful. We have a client for whom we do regular backups of HubDB tables, and a tool that would package up the CSVs for each table within the database and then email it to us would be very valuable.
Agree strongly here. Any top CRM has a comprehensive backup available to companies, whether that backup is generated automatically, manually initiated by an admin, or just ready to get pulled on a monthly basis.
I agree, there needs to be a more robust back up option. Especially as many customers of Hubspot use multiple tools - CRM, Marketing, CMS, Service etc. and have tons of data residing in the system on different levels.
Joining this thread. An automated back-up of all data across Hubspot would save alot of time. A manual back-up cannot be done in one go, as data is stored in so many different places and is very time consuming.
Are there any services that would perform this for a fee? I'm about to roll out some new properties and performing a mass update on my contacts is daunting. It's even more daunting knowing there's no roll back feature available. It's nice to be able to restore a deleted contact, but my concern is corrupted data, not deleted data.
I'm using a tool called Skyvia ( to do automatic backups. For what I am using it for, it has been free to me thus far. I dont' have a lot of experience with it yet ... but it does appear to be backing up my information on a regular basis. I've done a few test point restores (without issues), but I've not had need to do any kind of disaster recovery with it. Maybe I never will ...?
@palves@JoyHanawa @markjnor - We're developing a tool right now exclusively/specifically for Hubspot called Hubackup. We should have the MVP ready by the end of the month for testing!
If you'd like to BETA TEST that would be awesome. You can shoot us an e-mail to us:
We see the need for this and are all over bringing a solution to market!
@chrisasmith Just clearing out old emails and found yours. This tool looks just what we've been looking for and we could fit within the free price option too. Many thanks!
I think a backup and restore point is an essentual tool and available in just about every toher platform. Here is my suggestion:
Give admin's the ability to "Create a Backup & Restore Point"
Set a limit of time where that backup & restore point is able to be used
Allow the admin to revert all data back to that point in time
This would allow a staff member or novice to attempt a massive import or data update and if it goes badly, simply reverse their mistake.
Added feature: provide the admin with some information on what was changed between the "create backup" and "reverting back" so that they could possibly add this back into the system.
For my purposes, this type of backup, restore would always be same day.
My company is working to extend our product's automated backup and rollback capabilities to HubSpot, and would really like to understand the use cases that users in the ecosystem have. HubSpot is quite a vast platform with lots of different types of data and different versioning and rollback scenarios - any recommendations on how to prioritize to best serve the community would be really helpful! Message me anytime at if interested to have a discussion.
For reference - Rewind is a leader in backup/rollback for cloud apps like Shopify, Quickbooks and MailChimp. Over 20,000 customers have trusted Rewind to backup their critical data including Shopify's largest customers and brands like Hasbro and P&G.
This would be a very nice feature to be able to create "snapshots" of our Hubspot accounts. Even if there is limits on the number of them, but it would be great if we can create a snapshot of the entire account. I.e. Contacts, Companies, Deals, Tickets, Users, Products, Quotes, everything ... with a timestamp. And have the ability to rol back to it if ever we would like to do so.
Reasons are many I am sure ... but one may be for initial testing. Another would be so that we can go back to a snapshot if an admin deletes permanently in error.
I'm sickened by lack of backup capabilities. We're new to Hubspot and have used both Dynamics and Zoho, both of which are 'ENTERPRISE' solutions and enable it. I'm horrified to see Hubspot doesn't. This is a SOC 2 Type II requirement for us and puts us at risk. Frankly, I'm floored. Just as FYI, it turns out Hubspot hasn't receiveived SOC certification and now I know why.
I know this is an older thread, but we recently launched HubSpot Backup and Restore on the HubSpot App Marketplace. We are a Certified App Partner. This solution is for users who are concerned about the limitations of HubSpot's recycle bin and want to be able to recover from database corruption and unintended user deletions.
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