PieSync supported syncing Lever. You can keep using PieSync through 2021, but in the meantime we're checking if we need to prioritize turning this into a data sync app? Please upvote! Thanks.
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We have these two tools and synchronizing HUBSPOT and LEVER would definitely help us to have updated candidates (Lever) DataBase .
Thank you for this idea, I upvoted!!
PS : For them, who had the issue, I am trying to cope with Lever Support, who in "theory.."could intégrate the data through a CSV template ( not working at this moment...)
Here are the details concerning the process in the case, could be a temporary solution :
In the meantime we are waiting for Hubspot<=>Lever APIs, I would like to add something :
=> What happens now :
In a case where we have a candidate already in Lever, and we want to update for example, his participation in one of our event, with a tag: "event java sfeir".
We don't want duplicated candidates: because most of our hiring is long-term, with many "touchpoints" so I let you imagine if the same candidate participates in 10 events before joining us, we don't want to see 10 duplicates in Lever to manage...
=>What we expect to improve candidate data management :
An API that is able to update Lever candidate profiles ( for them who are already in Lever) each time they are in touch with us ( through Hubspot ) with a tag
Create automatically new candidate profiles in Lever ( for them who are not in Lever, called "new leads")
Then we can treat them properly, in a personalized manner, and bounce back depending on their status and different touchpoints we had with them.
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