It would be great if there was a way to make Dashboards private for users of a specific team. We have many different teams and we would like it if only users of a specific team could view a dashboard.
This feature is now live to HubSpot Enterprise portals!
Enterprise users can to assign specific users and teams to have "view" or "view & edit" permissions on a particular dashboard. You can learn how to use it here.
We need this too. Sharing a dashboard of reports with a certain team. This also eliminateds the clutter of unnessary public reports in all users dashboard that are not applicable to their duties.
Let me go a step further, offering a drop down of our users and pick a-la-cart from the list. Does anyone else have mangers who want reports but don't want their teams to view them?
Agreed, team owner shouldn't even have an option to choose another dash board but the one designed for them. Also, the sales persons "sales dashboard" should automaticually come up when they sign in and have no other option to even view in a drop down menu.
This is a really good idea! As our company's designated marketing guru, I have reports that I only want my management team to view. Likewise, I have reports that I only want my sales team to view as well. Currently, if the report is 'shared' everyone can view it. If it's 'private,' no one can view it unless I set up a reoccuring email. The reoccuring email only sends a snapshot and doesn't give access to the full reporting functionality. Please address this in the near future HubSpot!
It will be brilliant if the dashboard can be designed to limit access to specific users. I believe it's pretty simple to design that. Put it under settings > users & teams> toggle access off/on dashboard reports. If we can limit the access to a specific report that would be even better. Hope that implementation happens soonest. Need it urgently. Thank you Hubspot Team!!!!
Some of you are looking for ways to make and share reports with only some of your users. I think upvoting this idea about allowing 1 user to be part of multiple teams would help as well.
We are a manufacturer with multiple product lines and don't want to clutter our different sales teams dashboards with info about an unrelated product line. More options on dashboards and teams would really help!
I really need this function too. The management team needs to drill down to activity data levels that normal users dont' need to see and shoudl be concerned about.