HubSpot Ideas


Dashboard Widget: Tasks

i want to be able to see my list of Today's / Tomorrow's / Overdue tasks right from my Dashboard.


Is this possible?

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Delivered
August 02, 2017 06:00 AM

Hey @JCalDigital @chelocean @mbartko this feature is now available, please see: Reinvigorated Tasks in HubSpot CRM

7 Comentarios

Thanks @JCalDigital for posting this topic.  I wanted to bump this one because it's an important one.  The tasks sections of both the ios mobile app and the tasks section of the desktop CRM are, well, it's amateur hour.  The mobile app has to have the ability to see ALL tasks outstanding.  Overdue, Today and a large lump of future tasks won't cut it.  My team would like to use Hubspot's tasking capabilities in order to stay within the same application but the current structure is making it impossible.  Maybe take the tasking format from Microsoft Outlook, "borrow" the way it looks, and implement it keeping as many of Outlooks Tasking features as possible (Task Reminder/Notification is critical).


I'd attach a picture of what I mean in Outlook, but the ability to attach a picture to this message is buggy in and of itself.  Time to step it up boys if creativity isn't your thing than maybe "borrowing" is. 🙂 haha!





I agree that this would be useful. As it stands I don't use the Dashboard tab at all because I don't find the current widgets all that useful. Task pane is where I live!

Estado actualizado a: Delivered
Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hey @JCalDigital @chelocean @mbartko this feature is now available, please see: Reinvigorated Tasks in HubSpot CRM




Any possibility of looking at tasks per day (i.e. I can look at tasks just for tomorrow) rather than the huge lump of all future tasks?




While the new features are really awesome, a big of what the other contributors were asking is for some way to see Tasks on the Sales Dashboard.


So this really isn't complete or available in regards to what they were really asking...


Maybe visiblity into Tasks could be added the the Meetings widget? That way, one would see everything he/she has to do for a given time period.


Also, it would be nice for the time of Meetings to be displayed in the above mentioned widget.


Thank you for considering this!


danyelb is correct, until there is a way to display these on the dashboard, this is complete as far as what was asked for. I too think it would be immensely helpful to have a widget for tasks on the dashboard.


This would be extremely useful. Didn't realize HubSpot couldn't do this like the competitor we came from and another we were comparing against when switching. Kind of a let down from a quick view dashboard perspective.


Would LOVE to see daily tasks/meetings on a sales dashboard that is unique to the logged in user.