HubSpot Ideas


Customized "Deal Cards" in Deals Dashboard

I'd like to be able to control which properties appear on the "card view" in the


Deals Dashboard. Default is...
- Deal Name
- Amount
- Close Date
- Attached Contacts


I'd like to be able to select my own 4 attributes, so that the at-a-glance feature is more meaningful to me.


In addition I'd like to be able to color-code Deal Cards based on attributes. (i.e. [if deal amount > $5,000; then color = green])

Actualizaciones de HubSpot
October 16, 2024 03:22 PM

Hi @Josh_Berman_8, it sounds like you're asking about the record page. You're right--at this time, you cannot customize the properties that appear in the upper left corner of the record page. There may be another idea post on this that you can upvote. If not, you're welcome to create a new post with this idea! 

October 15, 2024 02:45 PM

Hi @Josh_Berman_8, that's correct. Here's a Knowledge Base article with more info!  

September 17, 2024 08:58 AM

Hello HubSpot community members!


My name is Vaishnavi and I'm a Product Designer at HubSpot. Nice to meet you😄.

Thank you for your feedback. We’re in the process of redesigning the CRM board view. To help understand your board view needs, could you please take this short survey


Thank you!

August 23, 2021 08:11 AM

Hey community, here's a link to KB article detailing how to customize board card properties:

Estado actualizado a: Delivered
August 10, 2021 11:07 PM

Estado actualizado a: Delivered
August 10, 2021 11:07 PM

May 13, 2021 08:39 AM

Hey Hubspot community, 


Customizing board card properties AND associated card properties are now live to all portals at starter and above


You can follow the progress on color coding functionality for board cards here

Estado actualizado a: In Beta
April 27, 2021 05:48 AM

Hey Hubspot community,

Thanks for all your patience. After a successful beta, we started rolling this feature out to all users at starter + yesterday. In the next week or so, all users at starter + will have access to CRM Card Customization, which will let you customize the properties displayed on board cards and record association cards.

March 16, 2021 02:48 PM

Hey Community. 


Thanks for the continued feedback. 


A bit of an update here. We now have a small private beta going for board card customization, which lets you change the properties displayed on the Kanban board view for both Deals and Tickets. 


With the private beta, we identified a few improvement areas, which we are currently tackling. While making the improvements, we are also making it possible for users to customize properties that appear on association cards--see below. 



We expect to have these improvement done by end of month, after which everyone who completed this form will be added to the beta. 


We also want to make it clear that this beta is only for customizing the information that is display on cards, not color coding cards. Color coding is on the team's radar and we are planning to slot this work in the coming quarters. 


Thanks for the patient as we work to make this feature awesome. We are looking forward to giving you all access soon. 

Estado actualizado a: In Beta
February 24, 2021 08:48 AM

Hello HubSpot community,


Excited news. Board Card Property customization is in private beta. We are giving early access to portals, at the appropriate tier, who filled out this form. If you provided contact information in the form, you will recieve an email once your portal has been granted access to the feature. This will happen in the next few days, so please be patient. 


Again, thanks for the continued feedback, HubSpot community.


Estado actualizado a: In Beta
January 20, 2021 04:09 AM

Hello HubSpot Community 


Thank you for your incredible patience here. The team is happy to announce that we will be releasing board card property customization, which will allow admins to customize properties on board cards, to private beta shortly. If you have a starter, professional, and/or enterprise plan and would like to get early access to this feature, please fill out this form

Estado actualizado a: In Planning
January 20, 2021 04:06 AM

Hello HubSpot Community 


Thank you for your incredible patience here. The team is happy to announce that we will be releasing board card property customization, which will allow admins to customize properties on board cards, to private beta shortly. If you have a starter, professional, and/or enterprise plan and would like to get early access to this feature, please fill out this form

Estado actualizado a: In Planning
November 02, 2020 12:28 PM

Hello, HubSpot community,


Thank you for your continued input on this idea--and your patience.


We are happy to say that the idea is in development. We are working on making it possible for admins to customize board card properties for all users in a portal in properties settings--both for Tickets and Deals. The selected properties will serve as the default displayed properties on all board cards in the portal.

Again, thank you all for your input here and for your help in making HubSpot a better product.

September 17, 2020 07:47 AM

Hello HubSpot community, 

Thank you for your continued input on this idea! We're looking to learn more from you to ensure we deliver the best solution to meet the needs of your business. Could you please take this short survey? 

As for the status of this idea, this is something we're talking about a lot these days at HubSpot. So, with some good feedback here I'm optimistic we'll be able to start building a solution here shortly. 

Thank you in advance! 

Estado actualizado a: In Planning
March 23, 2020 07:15 AM

Estado actualizado a: Not Currently Planned
April 04, 2017 01:21 PM

452 Comentarios

Deal Cards are very helpful "at a glance" summaries of Deals.

When viewing the Deal Cards, I would request to only see open deals, and hide any closed deals.

For example, If we could have a filter we could apply to the DEAL CARDS for the DEAL STAGE, I could then set the filter to hide deals in the DEAL CARD area that are already closed. 

If that is not possible, it would request to simply display Deals by:

  • Sorted by nearest to closing date
  • Sorted by deal most recently opened
Colaborador líder

Would be nice if I could customize that Pipeline by pipeline.

My Sales team have a different need to my CSM team. The same for B2B2C companies.

Asesor destacado | Partner nivel Diamond

This would be great to have by Deal or Ticket Pipeline. Right now it's a global setting. 



Estado actualizado a: Delivered
Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Estado actualizado a: Delivered
Equipo de producto de HubSpot
Colaborador líder

Am I missing something, I see no extra ability to customise the card fields , views and colours??


Anyone help me out.


You know what would be awesome? Telling us how to use it.


Hello, I see this is Delivered but cannot find it, can you please send a knowledge link?





Equipo de producto de HubSpot

Hey community, here's a link to KB article detailing how to customize board card properties:

HubSpot Employee

Love the additional customisation available now! Just wanted to pass on feedback from a customer who hopes to include more properties (beyond the current 3) in the card within the board view. 


They need more info to be shown on their dashboard, and would still like the clean columns/visualisation provided in the board view as compared to the list view


Hi! Thanks for this article, helpful to get navigated to land at this page: Customize record sidebars and preview cards


So I was able to customize which properties to show on board cards view although you can only show two, I still want to know 2 things on this topic: 

1. Can I customize which properties to show in board cards view by pipeline? 

2. Can I add color code the cards based on different criteria we set? 




I would like to include more properties (beyond the current 3) in the card within the board view.  One more would do the trick for me. 


We also need this to be customizable by business unit, especially (but not exclusively) if we are paying for the Business Unit SKU.  The deal cards in the pipeline should fit the needs of the sales users in the pipeline.  A universal deal card view just doesn't work.  The fact we can change it but the view applies universally doesn't allow us to change it at all.  There's less value in the feature because we have to tell all users, we can't customize for them because it would impact other users. 

Colaborador | Partner

The ability to pick two properties on the deal card is great, but only showing two is really limiting. I'd like to see close data, amount, and deal owner. 


Great improvement that, unfortunately falls short for our usage. Once again, a great development that just didn't go far enough.. Shame..


- 2 extra properties on top of the Deal Name is not enough. Shame that the initial request of at least 4 properties wasn't followed through 😞

- To make this actually usable, this needs to be Pipeline-Specific. If Hubspot really wants to be Customizable and Customer-Centric, then it is important to note that for many of their customers, many teams / business units / departments work inside of Hubspot. One size does not fit all here 😞


My workaround was to make a new deal property named "AA" then create a workflow to write the fields into that new property. 

Set Property Value

Target is Deal 

Set Property "AA"

Enter desired deal tokens

Add the "AA" field to the card. 

works great for me. 

hope it can help others. 


Colaborador líder

@EHirsch  Great idea, like that thanks!


Customizing the deal card is critical for verious stages of the pipeline or differing pipelines. This would be a great feature!!!



yes also be able to make company or contact required and show company name on deal card.  As many attributes as we would like to put on deal card would be nice as well.