HubSpot Ideas


Customized "Deal Cards" in Deals Dashboard

I'd like to be able to control which properties appear on the "card view" in the


Deals Dashboard. Default is...
- Deal Name
- Amount
- Close Date
- Attached Contacts


I'd like to be able to select my own 4 attributes, so that the at-a-glance feature is more meaningful to me.


In addition I'd like to be able to color-code Deal Cards based on attributes. (i.e. [if deal amount > $5,000; then color = green])

452 Replies


it'd be great to cluster different client groups. Also I find it much easier to have colors on leads, since it helps with visual representation of the stage they are in.

HubSpot Product Team

Seems like this should be the most basic of options! Much agree that this would make the table view far more useful. Being able to see time zone would also be excellent for companies operating across multiple geographies. 


Custimization of this feature would make this tool a lot more useful!

At a glance I'd like to feature different attributes than the defalt view, lots of other features controlled in settings, but not this.

Agreed, a color coding system would also be benifical. 


Sales users should have the ability to customise the deal boards i.e. what information is displayed on the board. Currently it's set by default to show the deal name, close date and an associated contact tag. User should be able to either select from a list or better yet, drag and drop the fields that wish to see on the deal boards.


Agreed. Seeing an arbitrary guess at a Close Date is not useful information for me. I'd rather quicly see when the last contact was made, or, like you say, choose whatever I want to be included there. 


It would be super valuable to see whether a task is scheduled or not

@usmankhan wrote:

Sales users should have the ability to customise the deal boards i.e. what information is displayed on the board. Currently it's set by default to show the deal name, close date and an associated contact tag. User should be able to either select from a list or better yet, drag and drop the fields that wish to see on the deal boards.



I would like to be able to see something other than Total $ at the bottom of each stage.  We measure our volume by units rather than dollars at this point, so it would be nice to be able to show total opportunity in units.


Why not make the information that shows on the Deal Board card up to the administator.  For us, the $ amount is not so important as the "Last Activity Date".  I'd change it in a heart-beat if I could.


And while you're at it, giving the option to make a card RED to highlight it as "Hot" would be great.  Other colour codes would work, too.


For sure!  $ amount does not drive our deals, but last contact date is very important.  Also, When you have dozens of deals on the board, a colour code would be very helpfull.  The colour code could be based on the administartor's requirements--deals that go 3 days without a contact turn yellow, 5-days turn red.  This would be very powerful visually.


This is an incredibly important feature - not having this exact functionality is causing us to start looking at other CRM systems. Our sales team manages dozens of deals at a time, and having to click into each deal to see the next step instead of having, for example, a 'Follow Up Date' field dislayed on the deal card is a huge drag on productivity. 


With this feature available it would expand the applicability of HubSpot's Deals to more organizations and their intricacies. Working in Sales and managing sales account's requires the ability to nagivate through dozens of deals during a conversation--which is currently not feasible with the current tools. Would love to see this change.


Apologies if this is somewhere else in ideas! Please merge if applicable....


I think it should be possible to customize which fields display on the cards in each pipeline on the Deals Board, similar to how we can now require different information for each stage (in each pipeline). Our company focuses one pipeline on new sales and a different one on renewals, and because of this the "close date" is only relevant in one of those two. Just to point out, I know this is simply a Deals Board issue, but the Board is far and away better for our team. Please do not lump this in with functionality in Table view.


The fields on the cards in the Deals Board are simply pulling information from other filled-in fields. It should be quite easy to allow our team to redirect this pull. Thank you!


We would like to be able to see in the deal view the contact associated to the deal. Currently if a deal is associated to a company and to a contact, the row "associated with" will show teh company only. But we should be able to see both or to choose which one we want to display 


It's so hard to use deals right now because we only have a standard view for each card and that makes it pretty difficult to sort out the pipelines, epecially since there's not even any colour coding.


I agree 100%,

Custom fields on the deal cards, color coding, account manager, a rating system (other than $$) would make this program much more usable for my team.



@AndyPitre wrote:

I'd like to be able to control which properties appear on the "card view" in the


Deals Dashboard. Default is...
- Deal Name
- Amount
- Close Date
- Attached Contacts


I'd like to be able to select my own 4 attributes, so that the at-a-glance feature is more meaningful to me.


In addition I'd like to be able to color-code Deal Cards based on attributes. (i.e. [if deal amount > $5,000; then color = green])



I completely agree - If there were custome deal fields per pipeline it would make the flow alot more accurate, instead of duplicating information


Trello is a great system to look at for ideas with this implementation. Their basic layout with "Lists" as columns (equivalent of "Deal Stages" in HubSpot) and cards (Deals) and how they have a basic color label system and the ability to choose which fields will be displayed on the front of the card.


When customizing the deal fields it would be great to have a checkbox or way to determine which fields would appear on the front of the card. And not to mention, for heavens sake please give us the ability to disable automatically putting a close date on deals!!!


@winston 100% agree!