Customize what information is shown on information cards on right sidebar
Currently, there is no way to customize what information is shown on the right hand side bar within the information cards.
For example, if you're in a contact record, the company contacts will be listed to the right, however it only shows their Name, title, office number and email address. Since I call most people on their cell phones and that doesn't display, I have to click on the contact, get the number, and return to the company page.
The same goes for not being able to see which lists a contact is a member of without having to click through.
Does anyone else agree that this functionality would make the platform more effecient so that we wouldn't have to do so much clicking back and forth between contacts, companies, lists, etc?
Can we also remove or have the ability to turn off defaults as I never use 80% on the RHS menu just its just clutter. playbook, attachments list memberships, etc.
Our Sales Team doesn't need to see three of the eight sections on the right-hand sidebar of the contact card. So, it would be tremendous if other than just moving those fields down, we could delete (or hide) those unused sections.
Agreed, We would like to add a specific contact section for Billing contact information - similar to associated contacts but we need a way to differentiate the billing contact & have it be with the other related information on the right side.
I would love to customize the Right Sidebar for the contact records. Right now we are only using 2 out of the 9 sections displayed there. We would like to remove the unused sections.
There are many contact properties and other details that we would love to have a quick glance at using the right panel. Hopefully, this side panel can be unlocked for everyone to customize. It seems logical with the left being customizable that the right would follow suit.
Auf der rechten Seite der Kontakte gibt es die Spalte mit Deals, Unternehmen etc. Ich möchte diese für unser Unternehmen anpassen, da wir viele Informationen einfach nicht dargestellt brauchen. Zusätzlich bräuchte ich aber auch die Möglichkeit im Bereich Deals in der Anzeige im rechten Bereich etwas mehr Informationen darzustellen.
Kurz und knapp. Die Seite muss individualisierbar werden, da der aktuelle Merhwert der Darstellung sehr gering ist.
I agree. Althought the card will display the "Phone number" property, I cannot start storing mobile phone numbers into this field - this will just break something else (e.g. an integration with an SMS sender)
Seems crazy to me that - with 90% of the population using a mobile phone exclusively - that this property isn't displayed in the quick summary. It is what everyone wants.
Yes, we look after condo complexes and HOA's, and we could potentialy have hundreds or thousands of contacts associated with one company. We need to quickly ID contact type, if we need to get ahold of a property manager or a board member for example.
Just trained our client's customer service team. They requested to be able to see the contact address from the ticket view, and our thought was to customize the right side. We showed them to click preview for that information, but they are going so fast they want to be able to see this info without clicking extra things. Thank you!
Completely support this idea. We are B2B service and do not need some of the right sidebar sections while adding there some custom object (ie link to the DD/KYC documents folder in GDrive) would be incredibly useful.
In addition to being able to remove and re-order the right sidebar, I would also like to be able to add sections to the custom object right sidebar. For example, there is a PandaDoc section in sidebar for the other objects but not in the custom object...where we actually need to attach Pandadocs, preferably without downloading the PDF.
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