HubSpot Ideas


Customize the Tasks Columns

In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show the status of a task.

HubSpot Updates
April 25, 2022 07:59 AM

Hello HubSpot Community, 


You guys have amazing ideas and feedback. I've been reading through your feedback on this thread and it has helped me realized that we have been thinking about solving this problem the wrong way. Over the last few months, we have added several new properties on the task app to help customers organize their task better. To name a few:

  • Contact Email
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Contact Job Title
  • Contact Time Zone
  • Company Domain
  • Target Account Status 
  • Custom Objects

Althought these new properties has helped some of you improve your workflow, we still have more work to do. Simply adding new properties doesn't seem like its the right approach. We need to figure out a way that solves for the broader need. I can not make any promises for when this will take place, but I ask that you continue to be patient with us and contine to provide your feedback. We try our best to solve as many customer problems as we possibly can.


I would love to brainstorm on this topic with some of you. If you are interested in chatting on this topic, please DM so we can get something on the calendar. 


Look forward to chatting with some of you. 



Being Reviewed
April 28, 2020 06:59 AM

Hi HubSpot Community,


Thanks for some of the great suggestions for additional columns in Tasks. We're evaluating what some of the most common column types that could be added to the tasks table and will plan to update here if this is something we plan to add to the product. 


Thank you,

94 Replies

I can't seem to add "COMPANY" to my task view.  When dealing with hundreds of follow ups to existing clients, sometimes the name just isn't enough...


Please do this. The task list needs to allow the ability to use data from all fields, including custom fields. This would actually make the task list useful and efficient.


This simple feature request has just passed it's 2 year anniversary. I added a variation request 5 months ago. What does it take to get product management and development to pay attention. When feature implementaion is this slow, at some point patience runs thin. Progress status from a hub spot representative would be useful. Tim


Dear Hubspot, please implement this. We have workflows that create tasks for specific people and some of those tasks require that specific person coordinating with the contact owner. Or sometimes they need to create a list based on contact owner ... or company ... or geography. We would LOVE to be able to utilize other columns availble from the contact. Please work on this. Thanks!


Agreed, I believe that adding more column properties, like Contact Owner, PC User Count, # of Employees, etc. would make Hubspot Task Queues that more powerful of a tool.


The option to be able to edit/add task columns would be so useful. Current defualt columns are good but very generic and we inparticular would like the option to add further info. 


Come on Hubspot, it can't be that hard to fix this. Asking people to click into each and every person is ridiculous. 


We'd also like the flexibility to configure the columns - our directors have just requested it. 

They want to be able to park tasks under a discuss in meeting column. 

They want to use the waiting column for 'on customer'

and in progress for 'they can do something about it'

Then a parked for meeting column 'for parking things until they can be discussed. 

They are going to use the waiting column for now. 

HubSpot Product Team

Hi HubSpot Community,


Thanks for some of the great suggestions for additional columns in Tasks. We're evaluating what some of the most common column types that could be added to the tasks table and will plan to update here if this is something we plan to add to the product. 


Thank you,

Top Contributor

Agree we would like to see the company name and contact name in the task view. We would also like to be able to customise the task status like you can do for deal or ticket pipelines.


Hi, I asked the help center if it was possible to add a column in the pending tasks section with a property related not to tasks but to "Contacts". They redirected me to the thread.

The idea would be to show the pending tasks including a column with the "Anual Income" property of the company so that you could order the tasks from  high to low company´s income to prioritize the tasks with those companies with high incomes.



Being able to add State/Region as a column would be tremendously helpful to help our sales team identify the right people to call at the right time straight from their task dashboard. 


I'd like to be able to put State as a column in the tasks view.  I'd like to see my tasks / associated company or contact by states so that I can target a state for outreach or call in different time zones when appropriate.  Can you please make this happen?  🙂

Participant | Diamond Partner



We would like the Possibility to have a column showing City in the Tasks list (when the task is assosiated with a Company)



Per Raknes


The new Tasks menu is pretty slick - but you guys left out the ability to add Email as a column header for tasks related to specific contacts. Needs to be there!




I'd like to be able to add company/contact properties such as Company Name in the Tasks "Edit Columns". Screenshot 2020-11-18 144812.png




Our sales people like to organise their day by working on tasks by deal stage, so they focus on one topic at a time.

One way we thought about would be to display the deal stage as a column in the task table:


So they could sorth them by deal stage.

However, if you have another suggestion, we will take it. 





Hello.  🙂  The task list is not very effective as it is today.  We need the abiltiy to sort on Company Name so all tasks associated with a Company could be completed at one time.  In addition, we would like to be albe to sort on Company Time zone so you could prioritize calls and "follow the sun."  


We would like to see some custom properties we created under 'Company' on 'Task' columns. One of the customer properties we created is "Lead Status" under 'Company' info. Being able to see this on the 'Task' column will allow us to see which task is related to which customer at which lead status.


Absolutely this would be a helpful feature. You can add/edit columns in Contacts view....why wouldnt you be able to do the same thing in Tasks?