HubSpot Ideas


Customize the Tasks Columns

In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show the status of a task.

HubSpot Updates
April 25, 2022 07:59 AM

Hello HubSpot Community, 


You guys have amazing ideas and feedback. I've been reading through your feedback on this thread and it has helped me realized that we have been thinking about solving this problem the wrong way. Over the last few months, we have added several new properties on the task app to help customers organize their task better. To name a few:

  • Contact Email
  • Contact Phone Number
  • Contact Job Title
  • Contact Time Zone
  • Company Domain
  • Target Account Status 
  • Custom Objects

Althought these new properties has helped some of you improve your workflow, we still have more work to do. Simply adding new properties doesn't seem like its the right approach. We need to figure out a way that solves for the broader need. I can not make any promises for when this will take place, but I ask that you continue to be patient with us and contine to provide your feedback. We try our best to solve as many customer problems as we possibly can.


I would love to brainstorm on this topic with some of you. If you are interested in chatting on this topic, please DM so we can get something on the calendar. 


Look forward to chatting with some of you. 



Being Reviewed
April 28, 2020 06:59 AM

Hi HubSpot Community,


Thanks for some of the great suggestions for additional columns in Tasks. We're evaluating what some of the most common column types that could be added to the tasks table and will plan to update here if this is something we plan to add to the product. 


Thank you,

93 Replies



In HubSpot CRM, task queue functionality is AWESOME. However, when the sales reps are going through the task queue - they need to be able to add more information/background about the contact/company by adding more columns in the task table. 


Right now - it is locked, and we can only see a defined set of properties that are available in the "Actions, Edit columns" tab - however, the option shown there are quite underwhelming. We would like to be able to add lots of other columns under Tasks.  




Adding the State column to open tasks would be great as well, especially being on the East Coast and having West Coast territories. 


Agreed. To maitain a comprehensive overview of all tasks, customizing the the columns is a necessity! 


I definitely agree to that. We are currently migrating another url and we have challenges with CRM due to this concern on tasks. 


This would be REALLY helpful - and great if we could assign to teams as well as individuals

Top Contributor

I use the Tasks page all day, every day. It would be more efficient & useful if you added the following:

1. More useful columns--add to Action to include additional columns from the account (Account name, State/Country, Time zone). I make global phone calls and, when I look at my task list, I can't tell at a glance if a contact is in the mid-west or the Middle East! A work around is to manually type it in the description, but that's a waste of time.

2. Reduce the width of columns so they take up less white space. I can't work on a small laptop with HS because of all the scrolling I have to do to see everything. At least offer the settings option to narrow the columns. Very poor design, IMHO.

3. Include Lead Source as part of the Action types so I can sort that way to prioritize daily calls.







Completely agree. I have tasks I categorize under the different aspects of my job. Don't really care about having a pipeline for them, just want to be able to put them in categorizes and move them to the top if they are the most urgent. Right now I do that on EXCEL. Would be a lot better to do it on HS.


When looking at the task list, it would be helpful if more information about each task could be displayed, especially in the case of a call :


  • Name of the company (useful when several calls in a row can be made to the same company or when you should avoid doing that)
  • Industry
  • Location (to know about timezones, etc.)

The problem would be solved if it was possible to have task properties and copy information from companies/contacts to task properties.



Add DEAL, COMPANY as additional columns on the Task view - since the Task name and Contact name might not be enough to understand the context. This is a standard and well appreciated feature of Pipedrive, which our team just migrated from.


Totally agree. In my case I really need to see companies names in my task list... Currently i have no choice but to write each company's name in each contact's name to make it appear in my task list. This is pretty annoying and absurd ! Hope you'll be able to do something to fix this guys. Thanks in advance !!


Fully support this... The choice of columns today is definitely not enough. 



 Agree, the task should have more columns for better organization.


Yes, I would like to be able to add/edit more colums too: I definitely need COMPANY as a column and preferably INDUSTRY as well, so that I can batch my calls per industry before I start. Sometimes COUNTRY and LANGUAGE would be useful for us international sales people as well.


But just the ability to ADD and EDIT columns at will would make the Tasks much much much more useful...!






Yes, I would like to be able to add/edit more colums too: I definitely need COMPANY as a column and preferably INDUSTRY as well, so that I can batch my calls per industry before I start. Sometimes COUNTRY and LANGUAGE would be useful for us international sales people as well.


But just the ability to  ADD and EDIT columns at will would make the Tasks much much much more useful...!





Yes, I would like to be able to add/edit more colums too: I definitely need COMPANY as a column and preferably INDUSTRY as well, so that I can batch my calls per industry before I start. Sometimes COUNTRY and LANGUAGE would be useful for us international sales people as well.


But just the ability to  ADD and EDIT columns at will would make the Tasks much much much more useful...!





Would be nice to be able to add company or contact fields as columns when I'm looking in a specific queue to help sort what order I want my tasks in. 


Example: We have a time zone field on the company. If I was able to sort my tasks in a queue by time zone, I would be able to easily set up calling the ET first and PT last. 


Sales Associates have different needs depending on their industry and type of sale they are working through.  Right now Hubspot has only 6 task properties that are available in the Task Queue Columns and Task Overview.  First, having the ability to offer more Columns will allow sorting of more specific items within a task.  Secondly, offering a task overview (optimally a customizable one) with a wider view of the task will allow a quicker response to each task.


I highly recommend enabling additional Task Columns to be added with what works best with each Hubspot user, this will increase the productivity of HubSpot Task product.


I agree. Having more choices, specifically COMPANY and INDUSTRY, would be very helpful for our sales reps!


Its insane that you do not have the option of a telephone number on the task dashboard like Salesforce, Pipedive and others. The fact that you have to OPEN the task to get the number to dial is rediculous. There should be an option to add the number so you can dial right away and THEN open the task. As a quick fix and work around, I manually add the number in my task. Added wasted time, but at least its visually present in all my tasks.

Community Manager

Commenting this on behalf of an user:


This feature would be very useful as I would like to add more steps which match to our work flow. It would make it possible to manage tasks more accurately.