In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show the status of a task.
I like the idea of beign able to see the status of contact in tasks column. One big thing I would like to see as well is a state field added. I am reaching out from East to West coast, and if I can see the state, city too even, I know then to hold off on calling. Yes I set my tasks time accordingly to time zone, but when over whelmed and behind on tasks that are overdue, it would be nice to see what state they are in so I am not calling CA at 8am EST.
Would be great if we could get the Deal Stage added as a column on the Tasks page. For those who don't use the 'Task Queue' system, it would be handy to quickly identify which deals are in which stage so they can be prioritised over others.
I would like the "association" column to allow me to have the association for a task to be a deal name, not the default company name or contact name. Alternatively, I would like to be able to add columns for company name, deal name, and contact name in the task list. This limitation is frustration as my work arounds permeate throughout my system and affect various reporting and other functions.
I just wonder if there has been any progress on this developement?
It would be amazing if we have an option to customize colums of the tasks - we would love to pull some information from 'about this company' properties to the columns of the tasks
Absolutely! We do not currently get a goof overview of tasks, as we can not see the company name (bearing in mind a lot leads use personal email addresses so there is no logo attached to their name) or the country.
I often have several outbound leads from the same company but located in different countries, it's important to get an overview of who is located where, when I make calls.
Agreed. I currently have to export to excel for our BDRs to see the information they need to dial. I would hope to see any proporty as HubSpot as a column to be added to the task queue. Same as you can add columns in list view.
It would be super useful for our team to be able to filter the task view by contact information properties. This would really help us work efficiently.
The fact that you've had complaints and requests to not only create custom property columns, but ALSO upload outside to-do lists as a CSV file since 2018, and still haven't integrated it speaks a larger problem about your company not listening to feedback from clients. You have over 70 requests for this feature alone in this thread, which would take very little effot to implement. Yet it's still under review" what??
In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to include other propiet as per example: state, segment
It would be extremly helpful to add State/Region to the list of columns. I have users located in different timezones calling leads in a variety of timezones.
We need the ability to search & sort by contact and company in the task table view. We have 1000's of pending tasks and are hindered by not being able to search in this way. From our import from our old CRM, some pending tasks were brought in without both company and contact associations. Please add this function.
I would like to filter on customize contact properties. If this is to hard for now, you can also make Task properties. So we can automize copy contact property to task property. Than we can select the right colomn to filter/sort the tasks.
You guys have amazing ideas and feedback. I've been reading through your feedback on this thread and it has helped me realized that we have been thinking about solving this problem the wrong way. Over the last few months, we have added several new properties on the task app to help customers organize their task better. To name a few:
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Contact Job Title
Contact Time Zone
Company Domain
Target Account Status
Custom Objects
Althought these new properties has helped some of you improve your workflow, we still have more work to do. Simply adding new properties doesn't seem like its the right approach. We need to figure out a way that solves for the broader need. I can not make any promises for when this will take place, but I ask that you continue to be patient with us and contine to provide your feedback. We try our best to solve as many customer problems as we possibly can.
I would love to brainstorm on this topic with some of you. If you are interested in chatting on this topic, please DM so we can get something on the calendar.