HubSpot Ideas


Customize the Tasks Columns

In our company, we use the tasks feature to assign RFQ's/(Deals) to employees. But we do not have the option to customize/edit the columns. We would like to edit the titles and the number of steps in the tasks feature so, we can more accurately show the status of a task.

94 Comentários

On the Tasks page can we please  have the ability to add a column for the list of tasks that will allow one to filter the tasks by the Deal that the task was created in?

Thank you


Furthermore we should be able to edit the columns to show any properties associated to the deal that the task is assigned to. i.e: Deal Value, Deal pipeline stage, etc. This is incrediby important for prioritizing tasks. 


This has been posted in various different ways, but plainly put: Sales reps should be able to edit the columns of the Tasks view to include properties of the Deal, Company, and Contacts the tasks are associated with. Some useful fields for the tasks view just to name a few: 

  • Deal - Value
  • Deal - Pipeline Stage
  • Deal - Last Activity 
  • Company - Name
  • Company - Website 
  • Company - State
  • Contact - Number

The value is that Sales reps need to be able to prioritize their tasks based on what's important to them. For me it's their placement within my Pipeline. "Verbal Yes" gets called before "Low interest". 


An example  is my previous CRM Pipedrive. I could work entirely out of their Task view: taskview.png


 Referring to this post:


I'm wondering if it could be built in as a new feature.  To allow for more properties to be added to the task queue.

example: adding in links for :  Company website or Company account page 

This would save me a good amount of time, when i have a new task pop up i check their company website to see if anything is new with them and confirm i want to continue to email/outbound them. 


The ability to add different columns in task view would be helpful. Particularly the abilty to add "company name" as a column in task view.


Hi guys, it would be very useful to be able to change the column widths when looking at the task table view.


There is lots of screen real estate to use but I cant make make the "associated with" column any wider in order to show the full deal name which would be useful.


Our sales team uses both the Contact Owner property for the main sales rep that owns the record and a custom user property Secondary Contact Owner for the account executive that helps nurture the contact closer to a viable opportunity for the main sales rep. Our sales team uses tasks to keep track of follow-up tasks and it would be helpful to add the option for Contact Owner to the options for columns shown in the table view.


I love that we're able to export tasks now. However, it's not helpful if we cannot see who the task is connected to during the export. It would be more help if we can add columns such as Associated Company, Associated Deal, Task Status etc. We can add all types of different columns under Contacts, Companies and Deals. It would be greatly beneficial to be able to have those options. It would also be helpful to see the company name in the table view, not just the board view where you have to open the task to see.

  • Due Dates
  • Assigned Dates
  • Contact Name
  • Associated Company
  • Associated Deal
  • Type
  • Queue
  • Status
  • Title
  • Owner

Additional columns options for the Task table view would be very beneficial. Examples, "Company"; Total # "Calls Made"; "email" etc.


I'd like to add Queue to the task table view so I can see which queue each task is in without having to filter by queues.  This will help me stay organized and make sure every task is in the correct queue.  Let me know if you need clarification on what I am looking for here.





Or you could also create another Queue filter for any tasks that have no queue assigned.  My main concern is missing daily tasks that are not part of my queues as I typically toggle back and forth on my queues when completeing tasks.


I like the basic function of the TASK list, but it needs two more areas for viewing. 


With my job, I travel to other states for meetings. To schedule those meetings I make a lot of phone calls to many cities and different states. When I view the task list for whom I need to follow up on, I need to click on the contacts name to see what city or state they are located in. This is very cumbersome and annoying. When I am making 30 to 60 contacts a week it becomes a challenge. 


On the task list, it would extremely helpful that I could see both the city and state. 


Thanks for your time. 



Please consider adding the "Queue" as a column you can select to view when looking at all of the tasks, and also allow it to be sortable.


I prefer to work through my tasks through the Queue categories I created so I can do like tasks all at the same time.  Howefver, I have found that sometimes I (or people who assign a task to me) forget to select the appropriate Queue field and then tasks get missed.  If I could easily see if a Task is missing a Queue selection that wouldn't happen.


I agree there needs to be more options that can be added to the Task List.  For me, I don't need City and State, but would like the option to customize it more using properties that are available (such as name, title, etc...) and to be able to have more columns.  

Participante | Parceiro

Specifically, I'd like to be able to see contact and company in my task list.


Add Company as Seperate association in Tasks. I can have multiple companies and Contacts associated with a task and multiple tasks for a company 

Add Company as seperate column in tasks table (and edit columns)

Allow alphabetical task sort by Company

We currently try to include Co. name in Title (which allows search), but unfortunatly human nature does not enforce a consistant entry or naming convention .


This is really important for me too. I want both Company AND Contact info - plus the ability to include email and/or phone information. Also Last Activity date. 


I want both Contact AND Company and phone/email details and Last Activity Date. 


Def needs enhanced implementation with customizable columns (names & adding columns) Tasks should have same features as Deals. It's already built on the same format. Just extend the same flexibility to tasks. The work is already done. Much more helpful in managing teams and diff workflows

Orientador(a) | Parceiro Diamante

Preach! Definitely needed.