Customize the 5 Sales Templates Seen by Free Users
Free users are limited to 5 templates; unfortunately if you have more (for example 10) template within your company free users only see the oldest 5 templates.
I want to select (for every free user) what templates they can use.
This has been requested for over three years now.... Oooof. HubSpot I thought you were aiming to be the number one customer recommended platform? This doesn't happen with predatory practices like this. Hopefully, you fix this soon.
Could a work around be that when you setup Hubspot you create 5 templates as Placeholders for Free Users then updated them as and when you need templates to be more widely available?
We are a HubSpot Diamond Partner and ran into this issue for some of our clients. We found a relatively solid (yet fairly tedious) solution.
You can manage permissions to all templates. Therefore, we selected all templates that free users SHOULD NOT have access to, and we removed their permissions from those templates. The free users then had access to use the remaining 5 templates as needed.
Hope this helps some of you navigate this challenge.
I found a workaround that worked - Overwrite the templates they did have access to, with the content of the templates they actually require access to. Definitely not ideal but worked as a temporary solution in the meantime.
Considering this has been on the request list for 5 years, I think HubSpot are taking the mickey not implementing this. It's not a feature if we can't customise it to be useful. It's a bug, currently.
We need this too!! We have paid users and also free users. We need to have the ability to select which templates to allow a free user to use, rather than limiting to the first five created.
Any updates on this? 🙂 With overwriting the the oldest 5 snippets free users can already gain access to the snippets but the ux for this workaround is really tedious. Would be a lot better if admins could just choose which 5 snippets free users can see.
Copy what @froettgen said. It is a terrible UX to even understand that "Your team [...]" has lots of non intuitive meanings and the 5 snippets for free crm users are chosen by create date. Please fix this and clearify the "tooltips".
Agreed! I have like 50 templates and just got a new team member that doesnt really use HS but to send 1 email template on occasion and I need to assign which template she can use - otherwise I have to delete all 50 templates and reload them with the templates i want my free users to use as the first 5 templates loaded.
it's crazy
templates for free users are useless on HS
You have to use a 3rd party like google docs and have them copy & paste it bc they can't use templates.
I feel like this is a way to force us to buy another seat and my company personally spends A LOT of money with hubspot where I feel this should be no probelm to accomodate us in this manner
we are all trying to get our businesses going and this would be a nice feature for all of us to help us be effecient
Please, it's been 3 years since this issue has been raised, it has to be updated!
We are paying the maximum price for Hubspot (Sales, Marketing, Service and even Operation), but we still have a limit of 10 paid users (in sales), but we have over 20 Salespeople in over 5 different countries, which means different templates based on languages.
The basic 5 templates available is a crazy low number, it's not OK!
In the meantime we are using textblaze. It's easy to use (chrome extension) and for free (up to 20 templates). Unfortunately, we do have to write in gmail and synchronize it with Hubspot.
Upvoted. We need this feature as well, I am shocked this has been ignored for so many years. I am wondering if this issue has been left alone as a potenial "upsell" of the seats. I will say, the upsell factor is not present with our organization.
I agree with PK-PK. The thing is, even if we get more Paid seats, or even the subscription higher, we still lack templates! Most companies rely on salespeople to sell, and this number (5 templates) is extremely low, whatever the size of the company.
Same story with snippets. It is hard to understand why it takes so long to devise a solution to administrate the five snippets and templates available for free users.
I think this post is pretty much dead in the water... but it is a fantastic idea. It is INFURIATING that as a PAID USER I now have to go through ALL THE TEMPLATES, DELETE THEM, and RECREATE THEM in order to choose the ones Non-Paid Seats have access to. That is an insane solution or expectation for any piece of paid software.
I've seen some of the other workarounds and will try them out.
Seems like Hubspot only cares about signing more paid seats, not supporting their existing customers, because after 6 years of this being an issue, it still remains when it would seem like a pretty simple fix (just allow paid seat users to choose for the rest of the team which are the 5 they can use).
Just being able to "re-order" or choose which 5 you wanted to set as default for all users would be great. Luckily, we only have 7 snippets right now so I can somewhat easily recreate the order we need, but if you had more than 20, this would be completely ridiculous.
This rule applies to templates and snippets - system should enable you at least to order the five templates and snippets that all team mebers can access regardless of sales seat. I have just been told there is no way for our team to see a snippet I just wro9te as we would have to delete and reload our present libary to reorder.