When bulk enrolling 40-50 new contacts to a sequence which starts with an e-mail, the built-in stagger between each e-mail send is 30 seconds (according to this article).
However, it would be great to either
1) be able to edit the stagger time from 30 seconds to another interval (like 5 or 10 minutes) or
2) have a "smart throttle"-feature which throttles the e-mail sends throughout the day and matches it with the existing "smart send times" already in place.
Ideally, if I add 40 new contacts, the sequence should e-mail them with a 5-10 minute interval within the best send times.
I've seen multiple other requests for stagger/throttle functionality for e-mail, but none directly adressing it in the context of sequence bulk enrollment. One could also call it a "enrollment throttle" rather than an "email throttle" if that is easier to implement, where you simply delay/throttle/stagger each enrollment in the sequence itself, rather than adjust the actual e-mail sends.
@ckori0 - Yes, this is something we are planning to add as an improvement to our scheduling system this year! We prioritized getting the basic setting out to help customers who most urgently needed the ability to add restrictions, but we hope to get much smarter and more flexible here for you 🙂
@DCarter9 - If you reach out to the Support team, they should be able to look into timestamps for you around inbox disconnection and find some more details about why that happened! The users whose inboxes they were should also have received email notifications from our system when the disconnects happened. And yes, the limit applies to both Sequences and 1:1 emails. Sequences are just a subset of 1:1 emails, and the setting applies to all 1:1 emails sent from personal connected accounts. I'll pass your feedback along to the Sequences team, but I'd also encourage you to file an idea on here as well with your use case, as that would ultimately be a separate feature.
If the per minute limit is under 3, it will apply to all sequences, regardless of if they are enrolled by workflows or not.
We're trying to think through the specifics of this scenario you described, but I think it might be best if you opened up a support ticket to discuss directly with the team so they can dive into examples and test this out with you.
Users will not see a warning in that case, but it's not necessary because sequences is accounting for the limit already behind the scenes.
Hello all! I'm very pleased to announce that Configurable send throttling is now in Private Beta. You can request access using this link: https://app.hubspot.com/l/product-updates/?update=13962281. This feature will allow you to limit the number of emails sent per minute.
Yeah, I have a suspicion some of the suspect-activity / possible-spam-activity flags and account-suspensions we've been getting on sales' reps Google accounts are related to bulk sequences generating a lot of emails in a very short span of time, as the problems we've run into are often after a sequence goes out where batches of contacts were added to a sequence at the same time.
Being able to lengthen the stagger time between emails would be great, to test to see if it helps reduce those instances of activity being incorrectly flagged as suspect.
This is much needed. It should be a setting in the sequence set-up to say "send max # per minute" or something. There are rules for email providers and large sequences have already gotten one of our users' accounts blocked in Outlook and we are only a week into using the platform.
Absolutely. This is a feature in other CRM / email platforms, and I was actually sent here but a HubSpot rep to ask for this feature. Was going to create a new topic, but here's an upvote and some written support.
Definitely needed. Our email provider can send a max of 50/emails per account every hour. At present the only solution is to have a 9am sequence, 10am sequence, 11am sequence. This worked in testing but there's no way i'm going to ask my sales reps to do that.
This is really important in terms of email deliverability. If Hubspot wants Sales Hub to be able to compete with competitors in the Sales Enablement space, this is a must because they all include this feature.
I am greatly in need of a feature like this, O365 is flagging my sales users accounts as potentially compromised and there does not seem to be a setting to allow me to throttle which is causing overall sending issues with there email accounts.
Hello @hroberts, welcome to this issue/feature request. Let us know if we can provide feedback on how to add throttling/stagger to the sequences in HubSpot. It was a gap in the product that needed to be covered.
In addtion to the throttling setting, it would be great to have visability in to the number of emails forecasted to be sent out based on the contacts currently enrolled in sequences, knowing this is a bit of a moving target as they are unenrolled etc. But if I could look at a calendar for each user and see how many are projected to be sent Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. this would help me to strategize when to add addtional contacts to sequences. Thanks
I am a strong supporter of this proposal! In a sequence, emails (in the future) are stacked and sometimes sent in batches of dozens at once. From my own experience, I know that Microsoft marks this as spam (no human can send more than 10 emails at the same time), resulting in my email account being blocked. A small pause between each sent email would be highly appreciated!
I am a strong supporter of this proposal! In a sequence, future emails are stacked and sometimes sent in batches of dozens at once. From my own experience, I know that Microsoft marks this as spam (no human can send more than 10 emails at the same time), resulting in my email account being blocked. A (small) pause between each sent email would be highly appreciated!
Another suggestion: In a sequence, if I send an email at 10:15, another at 10:17, a third at 10:20 and so on... Why can't Hubspot send the followup emails (mostly after a couple of businessdays) not at that same time? Now they are all collected and sent simultaneously, causing spam problems with my provider.
Hi, I wouldn't hold your breath for a reply. Ana has promised to get in touch to discuss this further, but despite following up twice, she hasn't even had the courtesy to respond. It's likely an easy fix; they could incorporate a temporary solution for now, but they don't care, or so it seems...