It would be great if it were possible to customize the default deal name. When creating a new deal from a contact/company record, for example, some customers may want to automatically pull in both the contact and the associated company's name. Others may want the deal creation date pulled in automatically or the deal creator's name. If there were any opportunities to pull in known info when creating a deal from anywhere other than scratch, I'd love to see those as potential pieces of info to include.
Thank you!
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I had also hoped this was something that could be changed in the settings. Unlike many others here, I do want to always include company name but would prefer it to insert the current date rather than 'new deal' as this would be more useful at a glance when a more descriptive title isn't added by the user.
I have been wanting this for so long. Also, there should be certain conditions which we can use to customize the deal name in the Create Deal Form. For Example: When a user Creates a Deal. The deal name should automatically fetch in deal properties like Associated Contact, Use Case, City, Country etc. which are basically the fields used for customization
Yes, please!!! This is huge. It's difficult to keep data consistent between software when we have so little control over something as simple as changing the default Deal name.
This would be awesome as for some clients the deal naming convention is for internal use and don't want to be automatically populated to the quote name. Instead, they'd like to be able to set a default like Quotation: Client Name. Thanks!
Hi everyone! Exciting update from the product team - the ability to customize the default deal name (instead of “-New Deal”) for deals created from existing contact and company records is now in private beta! To get access, click on the dropdown in the upper righthand corner of HubSpot, select "Product Updates" and select the Betas section under "Early Access." Scroll down until you see the Beta called "Customize Default Deal Name" and click “Request Beta.”
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