Hi all! Tori here, I’m excited to announce that our Customized Quote Template feature is finally live to all Sale Hub Pro and Enterprise customers.
What does this mean?
Sales Hub Pro and Enterprise customers can harness the power of our CRM, CMS, and Payments to create personalized digital quoting experiences for their customers using Customized Quotes.
What features does this include?
Add/remove/changing text, images, videos, links, files etc on a template
Set default terms that won’t be editable in the quote wizard
Add/remove columns to the line item table (including images!)
Show/hide modules of the template
Add personalization tokens to templates
Show/hide total, subtotal, and additional fee sections
Update colors and fonts using theme settings
Associate a custom domain with a template
Set language and locale on the custom quote template
This feature allows sales reps to:
Select a custom quote template when creating a quote
Worry less about adding stock content to every quote (like terms) and additional settings like language and locale
Add custom terms and comments in addition to the default terms that have been added to the custom quote template
This feature allows developers to:
(requires CMS Starter or above or Marketing Hub Pro or above)
Leverage familiar CMS building blocks and languages such as themes, templates, modules, and hubL to create quote templates
Package quote templates in a theme alongside website, landing page, and blog templates
Create quote templates for proposals, quotes, contracts, and invoices.
How can you access it?
Super admins can create custom quote templates in settings > objects > quotes.
What’s next for custom quotes
You all have been fabulous at providing feedback on this feature. Coming soon:
More default quote templates to help you get started
Quote reporting
CRM Quote API Create and Update functionality
A new quote interface to view and manage quote details
Thank you all for your patience and feedback throughout this process. We appreciate it!
My name is Tori and I am the Product Manager taking ownership of our quotes tool. I’m writing to let you know that the custom quotes no-code editor is now officially in open beta!
What does this mean?
Beta participants no longer need access to our CMS Hub (starter and above) or Marketing Hub (pro and above) to create custom quotes. Now Sales Hub Pro and above users will be able to leverage our no-code template editor to create custom quote templates.
What features does this include?
This beta allows user to:
- Add/remove/changing text, images, videos, links, files etc on a template
- Add/remove columns to the line item table (including images!)
- Show/hide modules of the template
- Add personalization tokens to templates
- Show/hide total, subtotal, and additional fee sections
- Update colors and fonts - Associate a domain with a template
How can you access it?
You can now request beta access by contacting your customer success manager. If you are unsure of who your CSM is, please contact customersuccessteam@hubspot.com.
We are so excited to finally open this tool to you all and we hope to continue to work with you all to make it even better.
FYI @ehulstein it's taken us longer than I'd like, but we're making progress on the no-code editor. If you'd like, I'm looking for folks to bug test the customizable versions of Modern and Original. If you're interested, send me a DM.
Hey folks - Ethan Kopit here, the product manager of HubSpot Quotes. I wanted to drop in to give you some updates. We're continuing to make headway on custom quote templates and over the next several months, you should see some serious changes coming your way. We will be bring a no-code editor into beta that allows users to...
- Add/remove/changing text, images, videos, links, files etc on a template
- Add/remove columns to the line item table (including images!)
- Show/hide sections of the template
- Add personalization tokens to templates
- Show/hide total, subtotal, and additional fee sections
^^ all of the above (and more) is possible today if you'd like to custom code your own template, it's just the no-code editor that isn't quite ready for general beta yet. I'll make an announcement here when the no-code editor is available for beta. If you'd like to write custom code and/or create templates from scratch, reach out to your customer success manager and they can get you into the beta.
I appreciate your enthusiasm and your patience. I can't wait to deliver these features to you. But, we're taking to time to make sure that Quotes is stable and bug free (including the custom template features) so we can set you up for success. Stay tuned!
@ZMeggyesi we're just putting the finishing touches on the editable version of "Modern" (first of the three standard templates). So, you're welcome to try that out. Contact your CSM and they can help get you into the beta.
I wanted to post a two-part update. We're really excited to keep moving this feature forward.
First, for those that are looking to custom quote templates without doing and coding - we hear you! We're actually quite close to releasing an editor that will allow you to change text, images, show/hide sections, etc. for quotes. Currently, we're re-building our standard quote templates (Modern, Basic, Original) so that they can be customized using that editor. We'll also be releasing many more templates in the coming months. Stay tuned!
Second, for the folks who are using the CMS to code custom templates - we have important news! We're making some changes to quote templates and your action is required. The short version is that we're making some tweaks to templates that will not only make templates easier to build, but will allow them to be connected to the quote template editor I mentioned above (as well as a host of other exciting features). If you have templates, you'll need to make some changes to them to continue using them. These are the changes my message below was alluding to. You can read the full announcement, as well as directions to documentation, on my blog post here: https://community.hubspot.com/t5/Custom-Quote-Template-Beta/It-s-time-The-next-phase-of-the-custom-quotes-beta-Action/ba-p/432864
Thanks for sticking with us - and please continue to participate in our beta and giving us feedback.
Hey folks - Ethan here (the Product Manager of HubSpot Quotes), I wanted to provide an update to those of you that are currently using HubSpot CMS to create custom quote templates. Hundreds of people are creating custom templates and we greatly appreciate the feedback as we make the features even better.
As we have collected feedback, we have realized that some of the features that will make these templates even more powerful, flexible, and easier to use will require that we make some changes to the underlying schema of these templates in the future. So, if you want to take advantage of new features coming dowmn the pipe, you should be prepared to make some changes to your templates. We'll do our best to make the required changes as minimal as possible.
To be clear: you do not need to take any action at this time.
Your templates will continue to work as expected. However, you should expect to have to make some updates in Q1/Q2. We wanted to give you a heads up as soon as possible. I will update you as soon as we know exactly what changes you'll need to make in order to take advantage of new features. In the meantime, just keep an eye on this thread.
Thank you for working with us - I'm excited to keep making these features even better.
Hey folks - I was wondering how everyone is creating quote templates today. For those not exclusively using HubSpot quote templates, can I ask you two questions?
1. Did you build your quote/proposal template from scratch? Or did you use a pre-made template?
2. What is the solution you're currently using to build quote/proposal templates when you're not using the default HubSpot quote templates?
Hey team - my name is Ethan Kopit and I'm the new Product Manager of HubSpot Quotes. The beta of our quote/proposal customization tools is now available. If you'd like to try it out, contact your Customer Success Manager and they'll help you get access.
Whether you've had a chance to use the new quotes customization features or not, we're actively seeking feedback on how to make Quotes better. If you'd like to give us some feedback, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/46ionti6Z1uEcTut8. If you're interested in being interviewed by myself and the CPQ Designer, Nate, leave your email at the end of the form.
Thank you so much for your support and, as always, thank you for the feedback!
Our beta for Sales + Marketing/CMS Pro+ customers is presently underway. This functionality allows your developers to customize the HTML/CSS of the Quote templates to pixel perfection. If you meet this criteria for the beta, please shoot me a message with your hub ID. We will get you access as soon as possible - at this time we are onboarding a limited number of customers at a time.
Regarding the above feedback - we are indeed planning and building iterations that do not require coding knowledge. We agree this is an important part of enabling customization of quotes!
@QDagault@finn - regarding the packaging of this, totally understand! The requirement is intended to only be a restriction during this beta process.. Initially, our template customization for Quotes uses the power of the CMS and Design Manager, which are presently not features available in Sales Hub. We are working and planning around having customization solutions that are available to users with only Sales, too. Thanks in advance while we work through this beta! 🙂
Agree with #3 and 4: need to show the Total Value of the Recurring Amount, and the total One Time Costs. This seems very basic capabilities for any recurring revenue business.
HubSpot - when can we expect to see these in your quoting module?
This would be ESSENTIAL to my job. My boss was very excited about us switching to Hubspot until he saw the limitations of the quote creation tool. I am loving everything else but starting to feel concerned that he might want us to switch because of this.
Customing the quotation template is so important. We should be able to create a quote template under templates. Then be able to add any relevant properties (from the person, company, deal, etc..) and even custom created properties.
Just started to get my sales team to use quotes... thought this would be customizable (because it should so obviously should be able to do this). If I can't have my company's required legal language added to every quote BY DEFAULT, then I will not be renewing. Yes, my reps can use the snippets, but that is manual... and can't allow them to forget. Fix this now guys...
We have 2 brands (with additional brand domain purchased), and can unfortunately only quote from one of these brands... would love to see additional quote template per brand at the very least, with the option to customise even more desirable.
I really need quotes tool to be more customisable. I would like to use this as a contract rather than just a quote, the only thing is that i can not remove the word 'quote' from the template and can add additional fields and/or information. This would be really benifical to make this more widely useable for the sales process.
To be able to edit copy such as 'comments' and print 'quote' would be valuable. More than anything to be able to not have value associated to products if reqiured, as not all products of an agreement have a cost, but are included. To be able to include the companies T&C's would be ueful.
up vote, we have about 12 different quote templates now for various types of products or contract renewal, comparison tables etc. As other shave mentioned, incorcorpating pre-existing Design tools or Marketing email template functionality, better customizable RTF fields, like here in this community form even!
Ability to have tables with easy to add (or remove) rows and columns, pre-existing quote template terms & conditions that cannot be left out and don't need to be amnually added each time etc etc.
Come on hubspot! We are not going to upgrade from Starter to Professional for lackluster and limited functionality "features"
The size of the logo is too small and the color bar is too big on the Modern template! Just call me Goldilocks 😉 Although I generally like it better than the others, it would be great to match the fonts, etc. to our other branding.
As many people have mentioned already, being able to customise the Quote template is essential for us. I work for a flat roof waterproofing company and one thing that would be excellent is being able to split up lists of products in a quote, by inserting text headings.
Say for instance, we are quoting a project and the job has multiple areas and we need to split up the products by area. At the minute we have to make separate quotes for each area. Ideally to be able to produce something along the lines of the below:
Area 1
Area 2
Vapour Barrier
Also, can we please have the functionality of being able to copy Draft Quotes?
this is so fundamental. how can you think 1 quote tool will work for allllll of your customers. i was sold on the use of the quoting features and now that I get in here, i'm not sure it is what i need/want. total bummer. this is 101 stuff....cmon.
Hi, As part of optimizing sales, the quote section is very important for us. It does miss basic functionality like being able to create own templates to include details needed like Terms & Conditions, +++. Should also be possible to attach from "documents" Today the quote option does not work for us at all. I hope the Hubspot team take this on board and make available customisable quote templates.
Que se pueda personalizar las plantillas de cotizaciones sería una importantisima solución para nuestra empresa, ya que pasa que los vendedores prefieren enviar cotizaciones más personalizadas y estas las realizan fuera de Hubspot. Ya que consideran las plantillas actuales son muy básicas. La concecuencia de todo esto es que los vendedores pierden el hábito de utilzar Hubspot CRM en el total proceso de venta y esto nos perjudica como equipo para la transparencia y medios de información en el mismo ecosistema de ventas.
Ojalá se puedan personalizar las cotizaciones lo antes posible, sería un gran aporte !