HubSpot Ideas


Customize Quick Access menu

Personally, I barely use the Deals tab at all, but I use Conversations on the app all the time. It would be great to be able to customize which tabs are on the quick-access menu and in what order, especially given how you can customize your home page on desktop.

2 Replies

I would also love to see this become a feature!


It is incredibly frustrating to have to click on More and then Conversations every time I open the app to see an update.


We use this as more of a ticketing system for chatbot and email contacts so this would be a very useful feature.


Agree, but would also like to pull a few items from the sub menus up.  For example, I use Deals, Companies, Contacts, Tasks a LOT.  Not much else.  While I can click on sales and go to deals, then click on sales and go to tasks for the next effort, it would be SO much easier to just have my 4 menu items at the top. It would cut the clicks in half. And the frustration by more than that!  I am a long time salesforce user, and got very used to the ability to customize tabs and only see the things I needed to.  It shoudn't be that difficult.  You already kind of do that with the ability to customize/move tabs on Tasks.  But while you are doing that, how about being able to not just reorder the tabs, but delete/hide the ones you don't want to see.  You have the ability to make this UI very friendly, not cluttered, and for new users, not confusing.


Thanks for considering this.